Waking from a nightmare

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Again: WARNING this chapter contains a little bit of nasty stuff. (Gore, blood, fighting etc.)

"MAMA!!" Himawari SCREAMED as she saw her mother's bloody body going up in flames...

Absolutely horrified, Boruto stared at the site. His mom... was... dead. Himawari kept screaming, but it appeared that the explosion had taken care of the intruders as well.

Little Boruto and Himawari were running around the garden playing ninja. They were all over the place.

The treehouse, the flowerbed, the open field, the small forest, you name it. Their dad was "trying everything he could" to catch the two "shinobi", while Hinata was watching happily from a distance.

Suddenly, Boruto, who was running in front, tripped, causing Himawari to trip as well.

Both kids started whining shortly after, both parents speeding up and rushing over to their crying children.

Boruto had scratched his right knee, as well as both hands, meanwhile, Himawari had accidentally twisted her ankle.

Naruto picked up the whining Himawari, meanwhile, Hinata had carried Boruto, who was also crying.

"You know what sweetie? We shinobi are tough. We don't go down easily, so I know you'll be alright. After all, you're a tough shinobi, are you not?" Hinata said, with her sweet motherly eyes.

After that Boruto didn't feel the urge to cry anymore. He also did his best not to show any signs of weakness while getting his wounds desensitized.

Himawari was on the kitchen counter with an ice pack on her ankle. Her eyes were still watery. From that day forward he had made it his goal to be a tough shinobi, who could not only protect his mom but his sister and dad too!


Boruto couldn't hear anything. The world around him was spinning and blurry. He knew tears were running down his cheeks, but he hadn't processed what had just happened himself just yet. Himawari looked hysterical as if she wanted to jump into the flames and save their beloved Kaa-chan.

But deep down... she knew it was over for Hinata Hyuuga. And so did Boruto.

Another explosion was seen in the distance, and then another and another. It quickly became clear what was happening.

Himawari, being the most "mature" of them, quickly grabbed Boruto's hand, and started running. Running, running, and more running.

She was still screaming while waterfalls were running down her eyes, but she was running amazingly fast.

Boruto almost couldn't keep up. "Hima! I can't kweep up!!" The little blond yelled. Himawari looked like she wiped her tears away a moment after.

Hima-survival-instincts on.

"Sorry, Boru-nii. You'll have to keep up a little longer!" She yelled, obviously trying to hide her sadness.

Himawari POV:

She hated it, she hated it, SHE HATED IT! Having to run, when all she wanted to do was to collapse, curl into a ball and sob, for who knows how long.

Her mama... her best friend, her sensei, her role model, her angel.... Himawari's heart begged. Begged her to stop, it hurt.

She finally understood what her parents had been talking about when they said:

"With being a shinobi comes a lot of responsibilities. You will, however, be considered a fully-capable child, and we will, therefore, entrust you with the will of fire."

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