Lost in a game of tag

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"Hima?" The blonde asked. A couple seconds of awkward silence went by. "Huh?" The little girl stared confused at her brother. "N-Nii san!?" She asked a little after realizing who it was.

"Who was it Himawari?" He could hear Hinata's voice from inside the house. The two kids stared shocked at each other. "When did you become so little?!" When did you become so tall!?" Boruto asked.

He was extremely confused. Why was his little sister suddenly a head taller than him!? Naruto and Sarada came running from behind. "Didn't I tell you to wait?" Naruto's clone asked his son. Boruto didn't reply.

He was to busy staring his little sister deeply into her eyes. Hinata came from inside the house. "Hima who was-" She asked, but didn't finish. Her eyes caught sight of Boruto and Sarada.

The look on her face explained everything. She was REALLY confused. "I'll explain it all..." The clone said after a couple of VERY awkward seconds. "Please do," Hinata said, letting the kids, and the clone inside.

The clone was busy talking to Hinata about something. But Boruto didn't listen at all. He was too busy staring eyeing down his little sister. So was Sarada. "So? What happened Nii-chan?" Himawari asked.

"Or wait? Can I even call you Nii-chan now that I'm taller than you?" The tiny Uzumaki girl asked. "I don't know what happened either you know, but I'm still older than you!" Boruto said. Himawari didn't look like she was listening very much.

"So what should I call you then? I would feel weird calling someone smaller than me for Onii-chan..." The girl asked confused.

"I get what you mean. I don't like calling Boruto-baka his real name either." Sarada said with a quirky smile. "Boruto-baka? Has a nice ring to it..." Himawari said. "Don't tell me you're on her side Hima!" He was outnumbered.

The two girls giggled. "Fine then. Why don't we play a game to decide it?" "Let's play tag. Boruto-baka is it, and if he catches us both, he can decide what we call him. But if he doesn't his name is settled: Boruto-baka." The raven-haired girl mocked.

"Yay! I love playing tag!" Himawari said, clearly not knowing how much was on the line here. "No way!" The tempered boy said.

"You scared we're gonna beat you?"Sarada taunted. "No it's not that, it's just... I don't wanna play okay!" "Aw come on Boruto-baka.. you're no fun..." Himawari said sadly.

The raven-haired girls both looked at him with a 'come-on-you-know-you-can't-resist-our-puppy-eyes- look.' Boruto had no problem resisting Sarada's look, but he could never get himself to say no to his sister's adorable eyes.

'No Boruto! You can't give after just because you're-' Boruto thought to himself. Himawari leaned in closer. "Pleeeeese." She begged. "Fine!" Boruto finally yelled.

The girl's face lighted up. "Yay!" She yelled in excitement. "You're it!" Sarada tagged Boruto and started running. "No fair!" The boy ran after the two girls.

"Catch me if you can!" Sarada taunted as she stuck her tongue out. "Me too!" Himawari yelled as she ran further away.

Naruto and Hinata were too busy talking to notice the kids running out the front door and out into the huge backyard.

The girls ran around, easily outran the little boy. Well, Sarada almost got caught, but Himawari distracted the boy which made the two girls able to escape.

Boruto stopped for a second to catch his breath. "No...fair...you..guys..are...teaming.." He panted. "Well, it's not our fault that you're so slow." The Uchiha mocked.

"Why you-" Boruto yelled. All of a sudden he wasn't very tired. He easily caught up with Sarada, but he still couldn't get close enough to tag her. "Catch me if you can slowpoke." She teased.

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