Playmates and old friends

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"Crap it happened to me to..." The raven-haired girl said as she realized she was now also a six-year-old girl.

"What happened to you!? Why are you the same age as me!?" The blonde was very confused. 'How am I gonna get out of this one? I can't tell him the truth or he'll think I'm crazy... But I need to do something before I-' She thought, but didn't get to finish.

'What was I about to say? Wait! Why is Boruto here!? Is this a playdate? She thought. What's he looking at?'

"What are you staring at?" Sarada asked rudely because Boruto was staring at her. When he didn't answer and just kept on staring, the little girl got angry and knocked him in the'head. "Answer me when I ask you something!" She said like a high tempered toddler. "Ow, Okay, okay I get it!" The boy said, finally getting it together.

The raven-haired girl smiled. "Well now that we're here anyway..." She said as she cast a weird stare. "Now what are YOU looking at?" The little boy asked grumpily. Sarada gave him a childish smile. "You're it!" She said, lightly touching Boruto's chest, and quickly started running.

"No fair, cheater!" Boruto yelled as he followed the girl deeper into the forest. Sarada giggled, as she ran away from her boy-best-friend. "He'll never find me here..." She said followed by a little giggle. She was sitting in a large pine tree, and she was actually pretty well hidden.

"Sarada! Come out come out wherever you are!" Boruto yelled. Sarada could see the confused look in his eyes and was almost about to give herself away. "Fine then! I'll have to use my secret weapon!" He said as he smiled.

'NO NOT THAT!' Sarada thought. "Come on out... Salad!" He yelled, which made the little girl furious. 'No Sarada! You have to stay strong!' She thought to herself. "Salad, Salad, Salad!" Boruto sang as he ran around, yelling as high as he possibly could. 'Stay strong Sarada, you need to-' "SALAD?" The blonde yelled, which made her click.

"THAT'S IT!" Sarada yelled as she lept out of her hiding spot, her eyes sharper than knives. "DON'T CALL ME BY THAT NAME, CHAA!" She yelled as she ran up, and punched him back, knocking him into a puddle of mud.

The muddy boy stood up, his head still smoking from her hard hit. "I win!" The boy smiled victoriously, yet in pain. "No fair! I don't like it when you use that trick!" She yelled. "Well, it's not against the rules! It's you who keep revealing yourself!" Boruto said, knowing she couldn't say anything against it.

"You baka!" She yelled as she threw a little more mud in his face. She started laughing, as Borup was knocked back into the mud. "Serves you right you-" Sarada said, but was interrupted, as she could feel a cold, wet, sticky and gooey substance on her face.

She wiped the mud off her face, and she looked furious. She formed a mud ball with her hands. "Take this!" She yelled getting payback. "I'm not giving up that easily!" The blonde yelled as he tackled Sarada, making them both fall head-first into an even bigger mud pile.

The fight went on in what felt like ages. None of them wanted to give after and lose the mud war. They were both soaked in the mud, and their rather large clothing got heavy from all that weight, which made it practically impossible to run. They both had a blast. However, they were forced to stop when the sun started setting, and Boruto got afraid of what his mom would think if he showed up late.

"I'm gonna reach the village first!" Sarada yelled as she started running towards Konoha. Their shoes and socks were stuck in the mud, and they were therefore forced to run home barefoot. "Hey wait up you cheater! You head started!" Boruto yelled, catching up with her.

As they were about a kilometer or so away from the village, Boruto realized something he wished he hadn't. "Crap... My mom is gonna be pissed if I show up at home like this..." Boruto said remembering his monster-like mom. "We could always take a dip by the bridge," Sarada said.

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