A dad's duty

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(The chapters that will make some of the actions in the chapter impossible have been re-written.)

Beep...Beep....Beep...Beep... 'What's that noise?'

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep. 'It's getting faster... where have I heard it before? Why's it so quiet? Why's it so dark?'

It took a couple seconds for him to recall everything that had happened. 'Oh... My eyes must be closed...' He thought as he opened his heavy feeling eyelids.

A white ceiling met the boy's eyes. 'Where am I?'

He sat up but regretted as the whole world around him started spinning. "Whoaaaa!" He felt like he was gonna barf, but didn't as an even greater pain overtook him.

His hand was stinging like crazy. 'Damn! My hand hurts!' The boy saw the bandage wrapped tightly around his palm, and decided to try and sit up. Big mistake.

The world was rotating like crazy again, this time so badly that he could hardly see anything. 'I feel like I'm gonna...' Boruto could feel it coming up his throat. 'Crap!' He completely ignored all the wires and medicines plugged into his body and shot up from the bed.

As he tried to stand up, he realised how weak his body was, cuz his legs didn't seem to want to stand up. A long-drawn BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPP was heard in the background. The boy had been hooked up to a heart rate monitor, which he had pulled out as he got out of the bed.

The whole world was spinning, all noises and images being combined to one large blur. ' Dang it.. I'm not gonna make it I'm gonna-!'

The door shot open as three nurses came rushing into the room, including his aunt Sakura. "Boruto! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Someone yelled. He couldn't hold it in much longer.

"Sakura! He looks pale!" The girl looked over at the boy. "He's gonna throw up! Get the trash can quickly!" Sakura ordered. The medical ninja did so, and Boruto could finally let it all go, without worrying about throwing up on the floor.

"What are you doing out of bed?" His aunt looked strictly at the boy, the strong taste of puke still in his mouth. "I...Sorry" Was all he managed to say, as he felt his throat starting to burn. The kunoichi sighed as she grabbed the little boy, carrying him back into bed, replugging all of the wires he had just pulled out one by one.

One of the other medical ninjas placed a damped towel on his forehead, and then it hit the boy on how hot his little body was. "Temperature's 103." A voice he didn't recognize said. "Get him some antibiotics." His aunt ordered.

His breathing started getting heavier, as the world that was still spinning around him started looking blurry. "Sakura! His fever and heart rate are shooting through the roof!" "What!?" "His consciousness is slipping away!" Another distant voice yelled.

He could see a blurry figure standing before him, which looked like his aunt. She seemed to be performing medical ninjutsu on him, but he wasn't sure anymore.. "Boruto! Boruto! Boruto stay conscious! Boru-!" And then there was darkness..

Uzumaki family's POV:

The three family members were currently sitting outside of room 203, which was the room Boruto was currently in. They weren't allowed to enter as the little boy hadn't regained consciousness yet.

They had already waited the whole night, medical ninjas going in and out of his room on an hourly basis. Naruto stared at the clock on the wall. "It's almost 6 am already, huh?.." He mumbled to himself.

Hinata and Himawari were soundly asleep, clinging closely onto one another. However, Naruto couldn't get a single seconds rest. Not before he saw his son - alive, awake and unharmed.

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