A reunion and childish behavior

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The Hokage heard a familiar voice getting louder and louder, as his eyelids slowly opened. "Sakura?" He said weakly as he the vision of the pink haired kunoichi got clearer.

"You're damn right it's me! Can you hear me? You were about to pass out...." Naruto could feel his head throbbing, but even so, he stood up replying with a simple "I'm fine."

"It's been almost an entire day Naruto. You need to get some sleep." The kunoichi said.

"I believe I've already said I can't do that you know. Not until I see him"

Naruto stared emotionlessly into the ground.

The kunoichi sighed deeply before raising her fist and hitting him in the head, just like she used to back in the day.

"Idiot!" She yelled, the smoke still rising from his head. "What was that for Sakura!?" The Hokage cried.

"I come all the way here to bring you good news, and that's the kind of look I get?!"

"Good news? Tell me Sakura!" The Hokage stood up and walked over to his teammate. Hinata had stood up from her seat as well, meanwhile, Himawari was sound asleep.

"It seems that Boruto will regain consciousness very shortly. And his fever has dropped down to a normal temperature. His burns have started healing as well, so he should be good to go in a day or two." The medical ninja stated.

Naruto and Hinata felt a burden lift from their shoulders. "Thank goodness.." the Hyuuga sighed. Naruto smiled too. "Mama?" A weak voice was heard in the background. The adults turned around and saw Himawari with a huge bedhead and messy clothing.

"Alright... I suppose we'll head home, get cleaned up and get some food. You must be hungry too Naruto-Kun." Hinata said walking over to her tired daughter, who yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"I wish I could, but I need to get back to work and-" Naruto stopped as he could see Sakura's dark aura awaken in the background. Just the look she was giving was already telling what she wanted to say: "NO-THE-HELL-YOU'RE-NOT"

"Alright alright. I'll come home after I finish up some things here!" He said frightened. Sakura looked pleased as she nodded, and waved the two girls goodbye. The Hokage turned around, about to go to the vending machine to buy a drink, when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey...We need to talk." It was Sakura. Naruto didn't like the look she was giving. It was like she had just told someone somebody died. Naruto instantly went into serious Hokage mode. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"...Let's go to my office." The head medical ninja said. Naruto nodded quickly as he followed her into her office.

She closed the door behind her and turned to Naruto with a serious expression. "It's about Boruto..." She started. The burden on Naruto's shoulders returned. "What? I thought you said he would be fine? Is he okay?" Naruto asked as the worried father he was.

"Hold up with the questions already! I didn't get to finish explaining. Sure as he is now he'll be fine, and he'll wake up shortly... but..." "But what? Tell me Sakura!"

The kunoichi stared into the floor and closed her eyes before replying. "It's just... something seems... odd." Sakura said. "How odd?" Naruto asked confused. "He.... he shrank." She said.

"His body is 10, 2 cm smaller. "(For those of you who are confused how much that is... just google it.)

"You mean.... that the jutsu cast on him hasn't finished its effect yet?" Sakura nodded. "His chakra network didn't shrink though.. if this keeps going there's just gonna be too much chakra for his body to handle.. sure Boruto has always had a little more chakra than others, but only a jinjuriki or those of greater status would be able to handle that much chakra."

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