Tragedy strikes

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(WARNING: This and the following chapter contains a tiny bit of nasty stuff.)

"That's what he told me." Hanabi stated. "It sounds unreal, but could this have anything to do with the jutsu that was cast on him? Or is there actually someone doing this to him?" She asked. Hanabi had just told Naruto everything that Boruto had said.

"It doesn't make any sense...but Boruto was always an honest kid, so what he says must be true..." Naruto sighed. Her and Hanabi were standing in his office.

It was midnight and Sasuke had yet to return since Naruto told him the news about Boruto and Sarada.

He could sense his chakra closeby though, so he presumed he was somewhere close by. "What should we do? Boruto was released from the hospital and he's at home with One-sama right now."

Naruto nodded understandingly. "I understand. Thank you for checking up on him Hanabi." "Sure. Call me any time." She stated, heading out the door.

Naruto sighed. He was once again alone in his office late at night, though this time with a huge mystery on his hands.

'Is someone really threatening the peace of this village? But why make a move now when Konoha's two strongest shinobi are here?'

"Shikamaru." He called, the Nara entering the room a second later.

"You called?" Shikamaru said tiredly. "Tighten up security around the village." Naruto was writing reports down on his computer, not looking Shikamaru in the eyes while talking.

"Sure thing, but why?" Shikamaru gave Naruto a questioning look. "I'm not a hundred percent sure yet, but we may have a new opponent at our hands."

"Alright, I understand. Fill me out on the details later, though." Naruto nodded in reply as Shikamaru went out the door to command extra security patrols in the village and around the gates and walls.

Naruto had a bad feeling in his stomach. And no - it was not just because Kurama was uneasy about this whole mess too. He just had the feeling something big was gonna happen. And soon.

Naruto entered his mindscape to discuss things thoroughly with Kurama - who was the smartest of the two of them.

Meanwhile in the Konoha hospital:

'Why her?' The pink haired medical expert stared depressed at the hospital bed, where her one and only child was currently laying.

"I can't believe it really got to this... I'm such a bad mother...." Sakura stared at the little sleeping angel.

She was currently unconscious, which normally wouldn't be THAT bad if it wasn't for the fact she wouldn't know when she would wake up again.

"You really went to far this time honey... look at you. You're in a coma now. You're gonna make mommy worry a lot like this..." Sakura said, tearing up slightly, even though she was unsure if Sarada could hear her.

She went over to her bent down and kissed her gently on the forehead. "She's so precious..." Sakura whispered to herself.

She could feel more tears pressing their way out, as she eventually sank down completely onto the floor. "God I'm useless..." Sakura sobbed.

(Authors note: Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those people who constantly blame Sakura for being useless. She's actually saved the day a lot and has and will forever remain one of my favorite characters from the show. These words are just fitting for this current scene. That's all.)

Her sobbing eventually stopped, but she didn't care to lift her head or her body from the bed and floor.

".Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.."

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