The Hokage's office

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"How is that possible..?" Konohamaru asked. "Huh?" I don't get what you mean..." Boruto said as he picked up Sarada, who was asleep again. "Geez you're a sleepyhead, you know that?" Boruto told Sarada, even though he knew she couldn't hear him.

Konohamaru stared confused at the kids. 'I don't believe it! But their similarities are so on point... But then what happened to them?' "Hm? Is something wrong?" Boruto asked Konohamaru, as he was about to knock on the door, to his dad's office.

"'s nothing.." He said as he turned around and finally knocked on the door. At first, there wasn't any response. "Lord seventh? It's me, Konohamaru!" He said, followed by the sound of footsteps.

A couple of seconds later, the opened, and an exhausted-looking Naruto glared at Konohamaru. "Ah, Konohamaru..*yawn* what are you doing here so late?" Naruto asked. The old man had bags under his eyes. He was barely staying awake, and he looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

"I'm kinda busy researching something at the moment..." Naruto said. He still hadn't noticed Boruto and Sarada, who was literally standing right beside him! "Sorry to bother you, but I ran into someone on my patrol.." He said, obviously referring to Boruto and Sarada.

"Is it important? I really wanna find out more about a special Jutsu..." The Hokage said, still not having caught sight of Boruto and Sarada. "This Jutsu.. does it have something to do with.... this?" Konohamaru said as he pointed at Boruto. "Hi, daddy!" He said smiling energetically.

"Boruto? What are you doing out at this hour?" Naruto asked, considering the fact it was WAY past his bedtime. "And where is Sarada?" He wondered. Boruto turned a little and revealed the little girl, who was sleeping tightly on his back.

"What the... What happened!?" Naruto asked, as he suddenly woke up. "I don't know. We were just playing and then this happened, you know." Boruto said. "And she's so heavy!" The little boy said. He was tired of dragging her along everywhere.

"Wait... You're telling me that this really IS Boruto and Sarada!?" Konohamaru asked confused. "I'm afraid so.. Come inside and I'll explain everything." Naruto said, letting the two boys inside.

Boruto sat down on the couch in the corner of his dad's office. He was talking to Konohamaru about something he couldn't hear. He didn't really care though. 'Since when was dad like this? I don't remember ever seeing him this tired..' Boruto said, staring at his dad, who was half asleep.

He looked beside him. Sarada was sleeping tightly. She was clinging to him like a baby. She was blushing lightly. 'Why is it so cold in here?' Boruto wondered shivering a little. "Just try and get some sleep Boruto," Naruto said, as he had noticed his son, who was even more tired than him.

Which really wasn't that surprising, considering how much sleep his six-year-old body would need to stay energetic. "No way... I'm... Not even... sleepy." Boruto said, as his eyes started closing slowly. He was still shivering a little. Sarada was cold as well. It was obvious that she clung closely to Boruto, to stay warm. Boruto clung closely onto Sarada as well as he drifted off to sleep.

Naruto smiled, as he reached out for a blanket and covered the two sleeping kids. The shivering stopped. However, even though Naruto was sure the blanket was going to keep them warm, they didn't let go of each other. Naruto and Konohamaru giggled slightly.

Naruto spent the rest of the night chatting with Konohamaru, doing more research and paperwork.

-Start of dream

Where am I? He thought to himself. "Hello? Is anybody there?" He asked, as his voice kept echoing into the never-ending darkness...

He started walking around.

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