The long drive back to campus leaves Raven exhausted. Her eyes fall heavy and she struggles to keep them open. The tiredness she yearned for this morning now creeping upon her. Stephen laughs and rubs circles on her belly while he drives making her drift off casually.
When they arrive back to campus he helps her out of the car and carries her upstairs to room. She wakes slightly, rubbing her eyes and slipping out of her clothing before getting comfortable in his bed and falling back asleep. He watches her for a few moments before leaving out and sitting in the front room of his suite.
"Where you been at all day bro?" His roommate Terrance ask before plopping down beside him on the couch and grabbing the other controller.
"Was out with a friend."
"This friend a bitch or a nigga?"
"Why she gotta be a bitch?"
His nose flares and he presses the buttons a little more aggressively. He didn't know why what Terrance said bothered him, but it did. Maybe Raven was right, and maybe she would be the girl to change that about him.
"My bad bro. Thought it would have been a shawty you bought home from the party. Speaking of which did you smash the jawn you bought home last night?"
Stephen shakes his head no and continues to stare at the tv.
"She was low key bad for a big girl. I would have hit her."
"It won't even like that.... She cool, it was late as fuck and I didn't want her having to fumble around looking for her I.D. To get in the building then get in trouble because she was drunk."
"She a freshman, my guy you're wild."
Moments after they both hear a door open and shut and a small figure makes her way towards them before stopping at the end of the hall. She speaks just above a whisper and Stephen can't help but admire how good she looks in his shirts. He wanted her, not just sexually either. He needed her, and he would do anything in his power to make sure Raven was his.
"You ready to go back?"
She shakes her head no and he gestures for her to come and sit with him. Terrance watches how Stephen reacts to her, he slouches his shoulders as she comes closer and his face softens when she speaks. He pulls her onto his lap and she cuddles up to him placing his hands back on the controller so that he can play the game.
"Ray, this is Terrance my suite mate, Terrance this is Raven."
"Nice to meet you."
"Same here."
Terrance couldn't help but notice the way her thighs spread when she was seated and how pretty she was up close. He had rarely seen a girl on campus wear her real hair and no make up. She was different and he could tell that Stephen liked that about her. She smelled good and whatever perfume she was wearing he liked. It reminded him of his mother, she always smelled good and the particular fragrance she was wearing he swore he knew.
"I'm not trying to be weird or anything but are you wearing velvet sugar perfume?"
She laughs a little and nods her head yes. He notices her gap and smiles back at her. It's cute and he never thought that he would say that. He preferred girls with braces or perfect teeth, lighter skin and smaller waist. He enjoyed the half dressed, full face, heel wearing, and bundles that most college girls offered. But as he sat her looking over Raven he also enjoyed her naturalness.
Stephen caught on to the quick glances Terrance would make and it agitated him slightly. Raven was his and he didn't want anyone else staring at her or talking to her. He held her tighter and placed small kisses on her forehead in between plays and time outs. She would squirm and smile tucking her head farther into his chest with each kiss. She enjoyed his company and started to believe that maybe he wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe coming home with him last night wasn't a bad idea. Thousands of thoughts ravished through her brain as she sat on his lap occasionally tracing the lining on his shirt and readjusting herself on his lap. She could feel him growing and she knew he could feel it too by the way he would move her.
But what surprised her the most was that he wouldn't allow himself to sit there while he grew under her, he dismissed himself to the bathroom and came back shortly with the problem fix allowing her to reclaim her spot. After a few more games they made their way back to his room. Him following her while she led him in the direction. Her ass sat perfectly hidden behind his T-shit and he couldn't help but stare.
"I think I like you."
She stares at him shocked as he shuts the door and makes his way to the edge of the bed. He's a little surprised at himself for letting it slip out.
"You can't possibly like me."
"Why is that?" He pushes the stray hairs back behind her ear and rubs her face gently.
"You and I both know I'm not your type."
He kisses his teeth and flops down beside her, pulling her close.
"You are my type, I'm being serious right now. I don't know what you did or whatever you're doing but it's working. I like you."
Raven rolls her eyes while looking for a scary movie on his laptop. Even if he's not lying they just met yesterday. And under some pretty bad circumstances. His friend was bleeding out and she was drunk for crying out loud. How could he possibly like her after such small conversation and little time spent together. But something in her gut was telling her that he was telling the truth. His body language and the way looked at her from time to time was warming and welcoming to her.
"Prove it then. When you show me that what you're saying is true and you're not just saying it because you're trying to fuck then maybe, just maybe, I'll consider liking you back."
He kisses his teeth and runs his hands across his waves before snuggling up to her making sure to hold her close to him. He wanted to hear how her heart would beat at his touch and if her breathing would become uneasy. Raven was different and Stephen couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was about her that was different but his gut was leading him in her direction. He could almost hear his mother whispering to him "She's a good girl don't let this one go." And he wasn't. He was going to do everything in his power to keep her around. The thought of just being friends with her never crossed his mind.
He had seen her around campus a few times, lonely, always on the phone, but looking gorgeous as so he thought. She seemed quiet to him, he never saw her out, only at Chick-Fil-A for lunch and sometimes he would bump into her in the dining hall. But she never noticed him. He adored her and only her even with the rounds of females that made their way into his suit but never had a chance at spending a night or getting a call or text back.
Last night at the Halloween party he had to make his move and luckily she helped him and stayed long enough to keep him company and for him to earn her trust. Now that she was with him he would never leave her alone.

Teen FictionShe was pretty and quiet until she got alone with her friends then she was wild and ratchet or as she would say "doing hood rat shit with her friends". Besides her looks her taste in music made him even more curious about her. "I've been watching yo...