Thanksgiving was only two days away and the couple was back again. Stephen was home more and helping Raven with the kids. Robyn and Elijah were now five months and as busy as possible. The twins had began to crawl causing more trouble than they did before. Always getting into things, pulling them down, breaking them, Robyn had recently broken her mothers favorite unicorn statue attempting to stand using the coffee table.
Right now the four were in the kitchen, the twins in their high chairs, Stephen going over business reports at the bar, and Raven prepping for Thanksgiving. Their family would be joining them here in their new home in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
The large brick home spacious enough to house a large family. Seven bedrooms three and a half bathrooms almost 4,000 square feet with a large front and back yard for the children to adore as the got older. The longer they spent in the home the more Raven loved it.
"Baby can you go grab some cookies from the store?"
"No Raven, you're supposed to be eating healthy."
She rolled her eyes not wanting to be lectured any longer. She didn't eat as healthy as she should have with the twins and they came out as healthy as ever. As long as she took her prenatal pills and exercised she would be fine.
Young love by Chris brown play throughout the house as raven began to cook. The more into the song she got the more it reminded her of her relationship. Even though the couple wasn't that young when they began dating she was still in her prime and hadn't done anything useful with her life except bring two children into the world and she would now be working on her third one.
"What's wrong Ray?"
She hadn't noticed that she was zoned out and staring into space.
"Nothing, I'm, I'm good."
His basic brown eyes bore into her sole searching for the lie. Stephen knew his wife was still terrified of him and he didn't like it. He was a new man.
Reflection by Moneybagg Yo began to play and Stephen began to rap as he continued to finish up his work. He needed to finish this paperwork before his family made their way into their home for Thanksgiving. He knew for a fact his father would be the first to want to know what he was doing working during the holidays. But he had to keep money rolling in to live the life he wanted.
"We're going back home for a couple weeks in February, I want to leave before Valentine's Day and it can be our little vacation. If that's ok with you?"
"If it's work related I don't want to go."
"Ray come on. Please don't start."
She rolled her eyes, tired of the constant traveling for a business she had no part in.
"My shop is here, you go, I'll be here when you come back home."
Stephen left the conversation at that not wanting to argue with his wife. Thanksgiving would be her day and she didn't even know it yet. He was thankful for her, for his family, and he wanted to make sure he filled all seven rooms in the future. He had filled four and couldn't wait to expand his family to fill the other three.
Toni Braxton's Just be a man about it play and he made his way from the bar to her at the stove. Wrapping his hands gently around her waist he swayed the both of them side to side as he hummed the lyrics making her shoulder vibrate.
"I love you." He said while planting small kisses on her neck and cheek. She giggle reaching back to place her hand on his face.
"I love you more"
"Not possible."
Raven kept her eyes closed as they swayed. Inhaling his scent and wrapping her small arms around his. As the song ended he stayed in place while she began to make their plates.
Once seated Stephen couldn't help but realize how much of a mommas boy his son was becoming. Elijah always wanted to be up under her and would cry if he was away from her for too long.
"I think imma take Eli out for some father son bonding time tomorrow."
"Take them both I have to work on some things at the shop and Victoria won't be here until later that day."
"I kinda just want to spend some alone time with him. Rob's always up under me."
"Whatever. Ok."
Raven rolled her eyes. Stephen has spoiled Robyn so much that she would cry for long periods of times when he left and it took forever to calm her down. But she knew that he wasn't too fond of his son clinging to his mother like that.
"I'll just call Ebony and see if she can come help me out."
"I like that you two have been hanging out more."
She smiled. "Me too, I just wish Maryland likes me as much as Ebony does."
Hearing his mothers name made his blood boil. She was the reason he had so much built up anger and didn't know how to handle situations. She made him think that it was normal to handle his anger with physical rage. Stephen had put multiple holes in walls, gotten suspended multiple times, and even got expelled twice in two different cities for fighting. But his parents had money and they knew people to make those things go away so they did.
"You excited to see your parents again ?" He asked trying to avoid the subject.
"Somewhat. Last time they came I was pregnant. Now it's not even six months later and I'm pregnant again. So I know my dads gonna flip shit. My moms gonna start acting like yours soon and I'm just gonna have an emotional breakdown if that happens."
"Do you even want this baby? Like be honest with me right now Ray. Do you want to keep this kid ?"
As much as she wanted to say no she knew it would break his heart. They had created it in a heated moment of his return. Stephen had given her the feeling she had been craving for months and she loved it in that moment. But she wasn't ready for another baby. And she definitely wasn't ready to be a part time single parent when her husband was away.
"I just think we have too much going on already for us to be bringing another baby in right now."
He nodded his head understandingly.
"Do you want to get rid of it?"
Raven shook her head no. It wasn't the baby's fault for being there it was her fault. She should have made him pull out, use a condom, not have sex with him at all. But she didn't.
"It's fine. It'll just take some getting used to."
As she stood up to clear the table and wipe the twins down Stephen stared in awe at his lady. Raven was just so perfect to him. Even if she did wrong everything she did was right in his eyes. She had been getting her hair done a lot more and getting her hands and toes done every two weeks.
At the moment she was sporting Black and Rainbow mid back ombré box braids with orange and yellow nails and yellow toes. Her hair was piled high into a neat bun and the rhinestones on her nails shined from time to time. She had also gotten new glasses and she thought they made her look like an old cat lady. But they made her look sophisticated.
"I'm gonna get you pregnant again." He blurted our coming out of his daze.
Raven laughed hoping he was joking.
"Oh no your not I'm getting my tubes tied after this one."
"Nahhhhh I'm not trying to hear none of that shit. We have seven rooms in this house and imma make sure we fill them all."
"No sir."
"Ight watch. Imma put it on you tonight. And you'll change your mind."
"Yeah ok."
"Imma be hitting you "you gone have all my babies?" "ahhh yes daddy"" He day mockingly.
He knew he could get raven to agree to anything if he put her in the right positions. And once Thanksgiving came he would put her in the best position possible to make her say yes to having three more kids.

Подростковая литератураShe was pretty and quiet until she got alone with her friends then she was wild and ratchet or as she would say "doing hood rat shit with her friends". Besides her looks her taste in music made him even more curious about her. "I've been watching yo...