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They pull into the driveway of Stephens house and Raven stares in awe. The large house was definitely something compared to the small three bedroom that both her parents lived in. Once inside she couldn't help but fall in love with the beautiful mini mansion that Stephen hadn't even bothered to tell her about.

"Emanuel is that you?"

"Yeah mama it's me."

His mother, a small light brown woman with grey hair, finds her way around the corner to where they stand. Eyes growing large once they land on Raven. Her small stature made her appear childlike. While Maryland was aware that she wasn't as skinny as all the other girls her son would bring home and have meaningless relations with. She wasn't aware of how much weight Raven actually carried with her. It fit her, but Maryland couldn't help but think of how unhealthy it was and would hate for her son to gain any unnecessary weight while being with her.

Raven waved and spoke just loud enough for her to hear her greeting ,but Maryland, unable to gather her thoughts about what she had just laid her eyes on. Couldn't bring herself to speak so a small wave and head nod would have to do.

"Son, can I talk to you for a moment."

"Yeah, Let me get her settled in first."

Raven follows him to his room where he sets her things down nicely on her desk and making sure she was comfortable and knowledgeable about where things where in his room.

When in the kitchen with his mom he rummages through the fridge in search of something for the two of them to snack on until dinner was ready.

"What's up with you today?" he ask her as if he's disappointed.

She knew that her son could tell that she had nothing positive to say about Raven, she just hoped that her face didn't give too much away about her distaste for the girl.

"I don't think I'll like her, when you said she had some weight on her I thought you meant a reasonable amount. Not that you were in love with some... some overly obese child Stephan!"

"Watch your fucking mouth!"

"Who the fuck are you talking to boy? I brought you into this world and I'll take you right the fuck out!"

She tosses the spoon that she's using to stir her food with in his direction before making her way to him and slapping him for disrespecting her. She now had no respect for his son anymore. He had chosen a girl over her, a girl that could leave him any moment while she was going no where until God chose to call her home.

"I don't like the fucking girl, I don't like you being with her, and I don't like the fact that you chose to date a fat girl when that's not how you were raised. Once she get's comfortable with you she's going to let herself go and gain more weight. I don't want you gaining weight too. And I damn sho'll don't want her here so she can eat us out of fucking house and home."

The both here the front door slam and look out of the kitchen window wondering who was leaving or coming in. Stephan catches a car pull off and runs to his room hoping that Raven hadn't heard any of his mothers' stupid statements. He opens the door to find an empty room, empty bed, empty desk, and a feeling of emptiness falls over him.

He couldn't how stupid he was bringing her home with him, he knew how his mother was about "fat" people. She believed that they were all just sad cases that would rather bury their hearts in food instead of in the gym where she believed they belonged. She always told him that she would never allow him to bring home a "Big" girl, that was just something she would never accept. Her son was too perfect, too small, too toned, and too healthy for a "Big" girl to just walk into his life and let all her days of gym training, meal planning, and making him cut weight for sports to just go down the drain for some Double cheeseburger chin.

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