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The day had come that Stephen had been waiting on. He had finished his program and would be flying out to see his lady in a few. He missed her face, her big brown eyes, her small ears, her slightly dark lips with just a hint of pink, her glasses that made her look like a little cat lady.

The more he thought about her the more anxious he was to get close to her. But he had promised himself and his parole officer that this would be his last child and that he wouldn't have sex with her until they were married. The correct way.

Rolling his bags to the door he looked over the house one more time. They would be back in Virginia soon but not too soon. He cut all the lights and set the house alarm. Terrance would be staying here until the family came back.

Walking out towards his car his phone rang. He had changed his number and only had work numbers, raven, and Terrances' numbers locked in.

Looking at the unknown number he signed in relief.

His father.

He hadn't talked to him since that day at the precinct and now he didn't know what to say to him.

"Hello" Stephen could hear children giggling in the background.

"Hey... hey son."

"Wussup pops?"

"Same ol' same ol'. Congratulations on finishing. But the real question is what's your next move?"

Stephen drove towards the airport as he spoke.

"I'm on my way to Ray now... I um... I.. I need to see her."

"Does she know you're coming?"

"Um no.. no. But I ju-"

"Just nothing Stephen isn't this what got you in the situation in the first place? Just needing to see her. What if she doesn't wanna see you?"

He could hear the disappointment in his fathers voice and he was right. What if raven didn't want to see him? What if she had moved on again?

The children playing in the background were throwing off his concentration.

"Who's kids do you have ?"

"Ericas niece and nephew."

"How are y'all doing ?"

"Good. She's pregnant."


"Yeah she's due a month after Ray."

"Congrats I know you're happy. A kid to replace me and someone for Jah to play with."

"I could never replace you. Am I disappointed in you ? Yes, very. But I'd never want to replace my son."

The two talked a little while longer. Stephen asking his dad for advice and Him giving him all possible options. Their conversation lasted almost the whole flight. Catching up and mending broken bridges.

"Ight pops I'm pulling up now I'll tell you how it goes."


Stephen hangs up and knocks on the door to the place he once called home a long time ago.

Terrance opens the door sighing in relief.

"Good. She having mood swings and im about to lock her ass in the room."

He chuckles and follows behind him to the pool.

"T who was at the door?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm going upstairs to take a nap." He yells from the stairs.

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