Three weeks had gone past and Raven hadn't seen nor heard anything from Stephan. Something she never imagined. She sat at the edge of her best friends bed playing with the dog when her phone pang from a random message.
The number was new but she swore she saved it at one point of time. Maybe one of the many people who she had given her number to on Tinder. Responding carelessly she hoped that the conversation would go far enough as to them asking to FaceTime or saying something to help her remember who she was talking to.
Little did she know Stephan had changed his number and had been staying in an hotel close to her. He knew every date she had been on. Every guy she had been with. Which one she kissed. Which ones attempted to take things farther with her. And the one she had been with the last couple of nights that left hickeys on only places the two of them believed they knew of.
His blood boiled at the sight of her giving herself to him. After the whole "I wasn't ready before because you weren't my boyfriend speech." She gave him. She hooked up with someone from tinder and was ready and willing as ever.
Her new fling made him jealous, he wasn't anything like Stephen. Yes he had good looks, but Stephan looked better. He was slim, tall, had a good complexion, the whole package. While new guy was teddy bear fluffy, tall, with a medium brown complexion, not to add on that he dressed lazily.
But every time he would pick her up Raven would have the biggest smile. He would kiss and nudge at her face before pulling off and taking her back to his place to finish the deed and finish himself off. Leaving her to lie awake while he slept comfortably in a position Stephan had grew to love.
Everyone around her could tell that he liked her and everyone knew she liked him. But Stephan didn't like him, he hated him, wanted him out the picture that he had once painted that only featured him and Ray.
She had finally responded and agreed to meet with him. The amount of joy he was experiencing at the moment was more that what someone normal would describe. Getting the address that he had already gotten to know so well, he made his way to her. At the pick up she get in the care carelessly not paying attention to the man on the driver side.
"Hey you."
"Hey baby." He say speeding off and turning the music up.
This couldn't be happening. He was too far away. He would never. Or would he?
The voice she would lay up under everyday, the voice that just three weeks ago made her smile and laugh. It wasn't possible. She turn the passenger side light on getting a good look at him before turning it off and sitting back. She had given up.
As he parks in the hotel parking lot she gets out following him not wanting to cause a scene until in the room with him alone.
He drags her from the elevator to his room before pulling her down on the bed with him and letting his hands roam her body. She had dropped some weight over the last couple of weeks but nothing dramatic. He skin was clearing from her test anxiety and he loved how she glowed. She had just recently straightened her hair and he liked how it looked on her even if she had sweated it out while doing that pig.
"Why are you here?" She ask angrily trying to remove herself from his grip.
"Really Ray? Now you wanna give me a hard time? You came willingly."
"I came to get answers. Your home is a six hour flight away. Did you follow me?"
"I told you I would do anything to get you back."
"I thought you meant like send flowers with secret admirer letters and shit. Not follow me miles from home. How long have you been here?"
"I got on the next flight out once you left."
She's lost for words. He's been here this whole time and she wasn't aware. Knew nothing. Sat in the house depressed and crying over him for almost a week and he was here able to fix things with her. She was furious and wanted nothing more than to leave and for him to leave her alone forever.
"I'm leaving."
"That my love is where your wrong. I'm not letting you walk out of my life again. And especially not to leave me for that fluffy ass nigga you've been giving my goods to."
"Have you been stalking me? Ok great. You're really not who I thought you were. I should have believed Terrance when he told me you were crazy. But this shit is beyond me. What else do you know?"
"I know everything love, your every move, every guy you've been with since coming home, how long you kept yourself locked in the room hoping I called. HOW AFTER THREE FUCKING DAYS YOU WERE ON YOUR FUCKING BACK SCREAMING THAT OVERSIZED BITCHES NAME! I know everything Ray. How you fuck him, how long he last, how you still go out and lay up with one other guy, how there are a few you actually spend time with but the big one seems to be your favorite."
"You're fucking sick."
"Aren't we both. The whole "you weren't my boyfriend so I wasn't ready speech" was bullshit. I watched you practically rip your fucking clothes off and let him devour everything that belongs to me in a short span of knowing you. And you still don't get it. I own you Raven. You belong to me physically, emotionally, mentally, until death do us part baby."
"I don't have to stay and listen to you try and crucify. I'm leaving."
He grabs her dragging her to the bed and pinning her before strapping her down and gagging her to keep her quiet.
"Wrong again princess."
He removes all of her clothing looking over her and admiring her body. The body he once made love to when she was upset or stressed. The body he enjoyed laying next to and kissing on. He wanted nothing more at this moment than to be in her. She looked sexy laying there gaged and tied, eyes low, just staring waiting on his next move. He knew she enjoyed fore play and wanted to know how hot and bothered he could still get her.
So the games begin. He fondled her smiling as the small whimpers would escape her body. He wanted to remove the gag so badly and let her moan freely at the pleasure he was giving her but he wasn't stupid and nor was she. So that was how she would stay.
In a few days they would be leaving. Starting over with a new life and his seed planted in her waiting to grow and start the family that they had always talked about. No one would miss her. They would all just think that their precious girl had run off with her man or gone back to school. He had thought everything out planned everything precisely. He would be moving her out of the states. Changing her number. All would be good.
But for Raven her hell had just begun.

Teen FictionShe was pretty and quiet until she got alone with her friends then she was wild and ratchet or as she would say "doing hood rat shit with her friends". Besides her looks her taste in music made him even more curious about her. "I've been watching yo...