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It was now April. April 15th to be exact and Stephen had been away from his wife for 60 days. He had been away from his children for 60 days. No call, no text, no letters, no packages. Just him, alone in his home.

Too much time to think.

Too much time to take care of business.

He needed someone to keep him company. Keep him sane. But he wouldn't cheat. He couldn't.

A faint knock on the door brought him to.


He tossed on a shirt and a pair of Nike slides before making his way to the door and unlocking it. His PO stood in the door frame.

"Afternoon Steph."


"You eat?"

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with. I got 30 days until I can see my kids. The faster this shit over with the faster I can see their faces."

"Ok. How do you feel you've improved over the last 60 days."

"Same way I felt I improved over the 30 day period. I'm good I just want my fuckin family back. Therapy not doing shit. I have a personal trainer so I work out when I'm angry. I just got a dog so I know how to be nurturing and keep my tone calm. I just want shit to go back to normal. I'll talk to her. I'll keep shit in order when she's back by my side."

She sighs. As much as she felt for him he wouldn't be seeing his wife any time soon.

"You do know you still have a restraining order against her right?"

He smacks his lips. Shit just wouldn't work out in his favor as long as his mother was still apart of his life. But this was the last straw. If he couldn't see raven he couldn't see his kids.

The last he heard Terrance was playing daddy while he was gone. The thought of another man kissing his children goodnight and tucking them in made him furious. What if raven was falling for him? What if the kids liked him more? What if he'd never see his family again?

"So um.... so I.. I can't do anything about that shit. Cause my moms got the restraining order not me."

"Why didn't you let anyone know."

"My lawyer knew. But he said it was for the best so that shit wouldn't happen before my hearing."

"Come on we're going downtown. I'm gonna help you fix this."

He followed her out watching her ass as she walked. He was never really into white girls but Beverly was kinda thick. She had nice boobs and a pretty face. Her hair was always curled or in a bun when she came to see him and was one of the sweetest people he knew.

As bad as he wanted to bend her over the dining room table and punish her. He couldn't. He constantly submerged those thoughts when she came around. But whose to say raven hadn't moved on why couldn't he.

He sat quietly scrolling down his Instagram feed when a picture of raven popped up. She looked beautiful as always. Her pregnancy photos were always gorgeous. But everything changed seeing that it was posted on Terrances' page. She had posed nude for him regardless of what anybody could see Terrance had saw her naked.

Was this the first time?

He commented and waited for a reply.


Then a dm came through. Raven wanted to know why she was blocked. She wasn't. He wouldn't block her.

Checking his block list she was. His mother had to had done it. She had blocked her from all his social media and even changed his number that's why he wasn't getting any of her messages.

He dm'd her his new number and within minutes got a text notification. His smile lit up seeing "Maybe:Queen👸🏾"  pop up on his phone. "Attachments: 8 images" following.

He face was radiant. A little chubbier but it was still perfect to him. His children were growing day by day and Robyn looked more and more like her mother the more she grew.

Stephen attempted to FaceTime her. Praying she'd answer and wouldn't leave him hanging he needed more than Live Photo's.

"Hey how are you?"

She bellowed through the phone. Her pearly whites gleaming as she smiled taking in his appearance.

"I'm good, I'm good. Could be better."

"I know. But your almost done steph."

He kisses his teeth. Hearing her call him steph kinda hurt. No baby, no babe, no love. Just steph.

"You know I hate when you call me by my name."

"We're not really in a place for me to call you anything else."

"Are you seeing Terrance?"

"Why does that matter?"

He shakes his head a little disappointed. How many of his friends was she willing to fuck to hurt him.

"Are you fuckin him?"

"Why does it matter? Stephen you do understand that we aren't married anymore right? I can do whatever I want. I don't have to want to be with you."

"Instead of being with me you rather be with my homies? Ray, I'm not understanding. Like yeah I fucked up. A LOT. And I know that. But I have never went and fucked with one of your friends when shit went left with us. But I see I can't get the same respect from you."

"Are we really talking about respect right now?"

"Yo say what you want but that's some hoe shit Raven. I was fuckin bitches you didn't know. Never seen, would never cross paths with. But you."

He shakes his head. Upset with himself for even wanting to talk to her.

"You fuckin niggas I called my brother growing up. And them niggas ain't shit either for even thinking about fuckin you. But it's cool you right Ray. I won't call you no more kiss the kids for me."

"Steph wait-"

He ends the call tossing his phone beside him on the bed and turns the volume up on his tv. His phone rings a couple more times and ravens contact name pops up each time. Each time his phone rang the more annoyed he got with her. There wasn't anything to fix at this time she was right. Move on. They weren't married. He finally cut his phone off to stop the calls from coming in.

Walking into what used to be the nursery he picks up some dumbbells and starts his workout. He had to keep his calm. Control his temper. As bad as he wanted to make that trip. He couldn't. He was growing.

So he thought.

As the night went on and sleep fell upon him. Stephen tossed and turned helplessly. Every thought of their conversation and David and Terrance replayed in a nightmare. Waking him in a sweat.

His mind was made up. When his 30 days were up Terrance was dead.

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