Chapter 12

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That night when it was late and all was quiet, Adrien, his men, and Marinette went to the castle to break out Friar Fu and several other prisoners. Marinette knew of old secret passage ways in the castle that could help them get inside undetected. Sheriff Theo was on guard duty along with Sir Simon.

"Sheriff we better be on our guard because I have a feeling that there's gonna be a jail break."

"Don't be stupid." Theo said. "No one would try a jail break with me on the job. You just keep an eye on those keys there on your belt."

Unknown to them Adrien and Nino were watching from the shadows and ready to put the first part of their plan into action. When Sir Simon came closer they started to make a little a noise that caught his attention and lured him toward them. Once he was close enough they grabbed him, tied him up, gagged him, and stripped him down to his underwear. Nino then changed into Simon's clothes.

"Alright Nino now you go distract Theo, I'll go spring the prisoners."


Nino handed Adrien the keys and went to keep an eye on Theo. Adrien using they keys unlocked the jail cell doors and slipped in as stealthy as a cat in the night. The first cell he went to had Fu locked inside. The poor man was chained to the walls and saying his prayers.

"Oh Father in heaven hear my prayer, I know I'm not worthy of your love and mercy but I beg that you forgive me for my sins on earth and that you would be merciful enough to welcome me into your eternal kingdom. I also pray that you will be with the poor peasants who are starving, homeless, and have been wrongly inprisoned. And please Father bring King Tom safely back to us so that he may free us."

"Beautiful prayer Friar but your time's not up just yet." Adrien said unlocking cell.

"Adrien, what in heaven's name are you doing here?"

"What do you think? I'm here to rescue you."

"But if you get caught they'll hang you too."

"You've taken plenty of risks for me. I think it's time I returned the favor."

"Oh God bless you Adrien."

Adrien unlocked his chains then the two of them went to free another prisoners. One of them was a man in armor. Judging by the crest on his armor he must've been a knight of King Tom's.

"Excuse me are you Wayzz?" He asked.

"That depends, who's asking?"

"My name is Adrien I'm here to break you out."

"Is this a joke?"

"No. Listen I know your wife."

"Duusu? Where is she? I swear if you've hurt her I'll-"

"No. She's safe, she asked me to come get you."

"I don't believe you."

"She told me to give you this."

Adrien handed Wayzz the bracelet Duusu gave him. When the man looked at it his eyes were filled with wonder.

"I made this for her. Where is she? How is she? And my children, how are they?"

"They're all fine and if you come with me you'll be able to see them."

"Alright. Take me to them."

Adrien, Fu, and the other prisoners quietly went to the door of the dungeon. When they got to the door they saw that Theo had fallen asleep on the job. Adrien smiled mischievously and chuckled to himself quietly, this was going to be too easy.

"Cost is clear." Nino said. "Let's go."

They quickly slipped back through the secret passage way and out of the castle where they returned to the forest. Shortly after leaving Simon broke free from his ropes and went to warn the guards but it was too late. Xavier was furious when he found out. He was seething, boiling, exploding in anger. He was more mad than he had ever been in all his life.

"You fools! Idiots! Imbeciles!" He shouted enraged. "How?! How could you let this happen?!"

"I was jumped." Simon said.

"And I...I was also jumped by...By twenty men." Theo lied.

"I only saw eight." Simon said. "And I think that you were asleep."

"Shut up Simon!"

"I don't want to hear it! You two have both failed me!" Xavier said. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hang you both for your incompetence?!"

"Well I heard one of them say that they were sending a messenger out tomorrow evening."

"What time?"

"Eight and I saw Marinette with them."

"Marinette was with them?" Theo said surprised.

"Yes, I think she helped them."

"Why would she do that?"

"How should I know?"

Xavier thought for a moment, a long moment. Then a new idea came into his mind. This idea was terrible, wicked, and twisted and what was more frightening about it was that it might actually work.

"Alright you two this is your last shot and if you fail I'll hang you both and have you drawn and quartered!"

"What's the plan?" Simon said. "Arrest the messenger and hold him hostage?"

"No. No I have something much more useful in mind. Theo gather up your men, I'll explain everything when they get here. This time my plan will work."

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