Angels pov
I awoke to the sun shinning in my eyes. It was morning. I got myself up with my good wrist but I was careful not to move or hurt my knee and wrist. I finally got my self up.
I was about to stand up when my door opened. I looked at who was at the door and it was cole and hunter.
Where do you think your going? Asked Hunter
N-nowhere I replied.
They just shrugged their shoulders and started to walk towards me.
When they got to where I was at they each put both of my arms around their shoulders.
I winced in pain as they lifted me up off of the bed.
Hunter was carefull not to hurt my wrist.
We started walking. I cried out in pain as I stumbled and moved my knee.
They stoped to mals sure I was ok.
I will just carry her said Hunter.
Ok whatever said Cole.
Hunter picked me up and heled me like a baby. He carried me down thr stairs with behind us.
We got to the bottom of the stairs and I sae Collin on the couch. He had his shoes on. Xander walked in.
He looked at me and gave me a faint smile.
Set her on the couch said Collin.
Hunter set me down on the couch and sat next to me.
Collin came over to me. He sat next to me.
Now before we go there are some rules you need to know before we go.
Rule number one, do not try to escape.
If you try to escape there will be harsh consequences for that and you will never be aloud out of the house ever again.
Rule number 2, you are not aloud to tell anyone at the hospital that we kidnapped you.
If you do then there will also be harsh consequences for that.
Rule number 3, you will do everything we tell you to do.
If we tell you to jump you say how high. If we tell you to be quiet then you will be quiet.
Rule number 4, when the nurses asl what happened you are gonna tell them that you fell down the stairs.
So what are you going to say? Asked Collin
That I fell down the stairs I said
Correct he said.
Rule number 5, you are to act like nothing happened. Like we didnt kidnap you.
Do not act suspocious. He told me
And rule number six, on our way to the hospital you are be blindfolded. And your not aloud to take it off. He said
Do you understand the rules he asked me
Yes. I said
Ok then lets get going. Then he grabbed the blindfold and he but it over my eyes.
Then they lifted me up and over their shoulder and we walked out the door.

Teen FictionA girl named Angel was walking home from school one day. She was getting suspicious when a group of boys from her school were following her. She went through the woods it's a shortcut to her house. But when she went through the woods the boys took t...