Angels pov
My eyes fluttered open. I heard a loud beeping noise in my ear.
I looked around confused.
"Angel brooks" said a man in uniform
"Huh? I murmured
"Where am I?" I asked confused
"Angel you are in river district hospital right now you are suffering some injuries, my name is officer Douglas and I have some question for you."
"Hospital? Why am I in the hospital?" I asked
"You don't remember?" Asked officer douglas
I shook my head no
Officer Douglas looks concern
"Angel you were shot and fell unconscious due to loss of blood"
"Oh" I said "who brought me here?"
"Some men brought you in and they said they found you" said officer Douglas
My eyes widened. omg I'm free.
"OMG IM FREE" I yelled
I meant to think that but it came out.
"Free? Angel were those men holding you captive?
I looked at him in shock.
I didn't answer I just looked down
"Angel I'm just trying to help you, I need you to tell me the truth"
I nodded "yes" I whispered
"This is officer Douglas with angel Brooks who's been missing for a year and a half now, she had just said that they kidnapped her, can you do a report on those men that brought her in please over" he said into his little wallow talkie thingie
A year and a half? Its been that long? I thought to myself
"Yes I can I just need the names and I can run a report, over" said the person on the other end
"Ok, well get that to you as soon as possible, over"
Officer Douglas got closer to me
"Angel we need you to tell us what happened starting from the time you got kidnapped to now"
I nodded trying to remember what happened from day one.
I told officer Douglas everything that happened or everything that I could remember at least.
He wrote it all down on his little pad of paper.
"Thank you Angel, that's all for today, get some rest" He said
We want to talk out but turned around and said "feel bette soon angel, and don't worry you're safe now"
He smiled closing the door behind him.
I made sure to tell him that Zander helped me and that he was forced into doing it and that all the other people were at fault and that I didn't want Zander getting any punishment and officer Douglas said he will do what he can to make sure Zander gets it easy.
Thinking about how Zander won't get as much punishment makes me happy, he doesn't deserve that. He's a good person and I want everyone to see that.
And with those thoughts I let my eyes close as I drifted away into the darkness.

Teen FictionA girl named Angel was walking home from school one day. She was getting suspicious when a group of boys from her school were following her. She went through the woods it's a shortcut to her house. But when she went through the woods the boys took t...