I had finally awoke. I looked around me and it was daylight. I was in the room by myself.
I tried to move my knee but when i tried to move it, pain exploded throughout my knee. I tried to bite my lip to stop myself from screamin in pain, but it didnt work. I screamed in pain as the pain went throughout my leg.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and outside my door. I watched the door handle turn and then the door swung open.
I looked at who it was. It was cole.
Morning he said
I didnt answer I just looked down.
Fine dont talk to me I heard him say under his breath.
He came over to me and untied my one wrist that was tied up. The other one was just laying there helpless.
He helped me up off the bed.
Are you ok to walk or do you want me to carry you? He asked me
I-I will walk i said even though I knew that i couldnt but i didnt want him carrying me so i will take my chances.
He helped me off the bed and I took one step and I fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Tears started to roll down my cheecks.
He bent down and asked me if I was ok.
Clearly im not I thought to myself.
I didnt answer him.
Im just gonna carry you he said
Then he picked me up and i was there in his arms. He started walking down the stairs. And once we got to the bottom I saw everyone on the couch watching a movie. Everyone stared at me.
Where do you want her? Asked Cole.
On the couch next to me. Said Collin
Okie dokie said cole.
I started to get nervouse next to collin was kevin. That must mean that im sitiing in between them. The thought of sitting next to Kevin made me sick to my stomach.
Cole place me down between them. Kevin looked at me and smirked. I hate that smirk.
He put his hand on my knee. I yelped
Everyone looked at me. Tears started rolling down my cheecks again. They looked at kevin.
Why? He asked
Whatever he said and he got up and walked upstairs.
Xander scooted next to me. He looked at me and I looked at him. He smiled at me. I think he was expecting a smile back but he kidnapped me I cant smile at him because he kidnapped me and Im not supposed to become friends with my kidnappers.
I looked away and out of the corner of my eye I saw his smile turn into a frown. I kind of felt bad.
Collin looked at me and said watch the movie with us.
So I started watching the movie. It was a scary movie. I hate scary movies. It was The Conjuring.
I hate this movie. It always gave me nightmares. All scary movies gave me nightmares. Ecspecally clown movies. Im terrorfied of clowns.
I was watching the movie and everone was quite. Everyone would look at me every once in awhile.
We were watching it and something popped out. I screamed and grabbed collins arm and hid my face in his shoulder.
Everyone looked at me and laughed a little. But I was not laughing. I was scared. I didnt want to watch it anymore.
Then I heard Collins voice whisper in my ear are you ok? He asked me
I shook my head no
Whats wrong he asked me
I-I hate s-scary movies I-I dont want t-to watch this a-a-anymore. I stuttered
I was scared of collin. Whenever I talk to him Its always hard for me to talk.
Ok he said we dont have to watch it anymore. How about we turn something else on and I make breakfast for you he said
I nodded my head.
He grabbed the remote and turned on Divergent. I loved that movie it was always one of my favorite movies.
Hey man why did you turn that off? Everyone groaned and conplained
Because she doesnt like scary movies and she didnt want to watch it anymore. She was getting scared. Said collin
Whenever we ask you to change the channel because we dont want to watch it anymore you dont ever change it all you say is to bad. Said cole
Well she is a girl and girls are sensitive and emotional and they get scared easily. Your a man so you can deal with it said collin.
Ugh,whatever said Cole.
Then collin went into the kitchen and made my breakfast.
Xanders povWe were watching tv in the living room when we heard a scream. We all looked at each other.
Looks like angels up said kevin with a smirk.
Cole go get her said Collin
Umm I can go get her said kevin
No you cant said collin go cole now.
Cole got up and went upstairs.
I dont see why I cant go get her said kevin.
Because you hurt her thats why and im pretty sure shes scared of you said Collin
Ugh whatever
We were sitting there watching the movie in silence when we heard a scream come from upstairs again. We all looked at each other.
She prabably fell on her knee or something said Hunter.
Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. And we all looked over and saw cole holding angel.
He sat her down between collin and kevin. But why kevin? Kevin has hurt her and when ever Angels around him she looks terrorfied.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw kevin stomping upstairs angrily.
I looked over at angel to see her crying. She is so beautiful and amazing. I want to have a future with her. She looked at me and saw me staring. I wanted to stop staring at her but I couldnt move. I couldnt look away. All I could do was smile. She just stared at me. She didnt smile. She gave me a sad look then she looked away. I feel bad for her I really do. I never wanted to do this. I only agreed to doing this because collin,Hunter,and cole are my friends.
Kevin is not my friend. He is collins friend but hes not mine. I hate kevin. He has real issues. Hes crazy. He needs help. Hes realy aggresive and violent.I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a scream. I looked over and saw Angel burying her head into collins shoulder. We all starged laughing. Collin whispered something to Angel. She whispered something back and then collin grabbed the remote and he changed the channel. Cole and hunter and I started complaining. I didnt know that she was scared. If she is scared then change it. Collin walked away and made her breakfast. She needs to eat because shes really skinny and she needs to gain some weight.
Jades povI had awoke. It was dark outside. I went into my kitchen. I opened the fridge looking for something to eat. I didnt see anything good. So I closed it and went to my room. I looked at my phone and saw the time. It was 11:56.
I grabbed my keys and my purse and my jacket. I got in my car and left. I was going to go get something to eat.
I was driving for awhil when I spotted Dairy Queen. I got a medium butterfinger blizzard. I payed for it and left.
I went home and i finished my blizzard and went back to bed thinking about a way to find angel.

Roman pour AdolescentsA girl named Angel was walking home from school one day. She was getting suspicious when a group of boys from her school were following her. She went through the woods it's a shortcut to her house. But when she went through the woods the boys took t...