Angels pov
We finally arrived at the hospital. They opened the doors and Kevin and Zander helped me out.
Zander carried me into the hospital. There was a lady sitting at the front desk.
The lady at the desk: hi how may I help you?
Collin: hi my friend here hurt her knee really bad and I think that it's shattered and I think that her wrist is broken as well.
The lady at the desk: ok fill out this paper work and then we will have her back there as soon as we can.
The lady handed Collin a clip board with a bunch of paper work and a pen. We went to go sit down.
Zander placed me down gently in a chair being careful not to hurt me.
Collin sat on one side of me and Zander sat on the other.
I looked at Collin as he was filling out the paper work. He was answering the questions totally wrong.
I looked over at Kevin and he was staring at me. He gave me that evil smirk. I hate that smirk so much.
Collin got up and handed the lady the paper work. Then he came and sat back down next to me. He looked at me.
Collin: hey why do you look so sad?
I didn't answer him I just looked away.
Collin: fine if you want to be like that I will just take u home. Let's go boys we are getting ready to leave.
Angel: no it's just that my knee really hurts and so does my wrist that's all.
Collin: that's what I thought. Never mind boys sit back down. And angel everything will be ok.
Angel:yea that's what u think
Collin: what was that?
He didn't hear what I said
Angel: oh nothing I didn't say anything
15 minutes had passed by and we are still sitting in the wanting room. They have been calling out people's names slowly one by one.
Collin: I have to use the bathroom I will be right back.
Collin got up and left.
A couple minutes passed and Collin still wasn't back. Kevin came up and sat next to me.
I looked at him with a terrified look on my face.
Kevin: don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanted to say that if u would have never tried to escape and fight back than this would have never happened to you, just saying.
Angel: yea well if you would have learned to never hit a girl and have respect then I would have never had to fight back so technically this is your fault. What did Your daddy never teach you some respect cuz obviously you have none.
He looked at me angrily.
Kevin: you know what you little bitch your the one that doesn't have respect. Your just some snobby ass bitch that thinks she's everything well I hate to break it to you hun but ur nothing and as long as you keep actin like that imma keep breaking You. So if you really think that ur snobby ass attitude offense me well then u got it all wrong little girl.
Angel: aww look at the tough guy finally using his words and not his hands. Congratulations your finally learning. Or did me breaking your nose teach you a lesson? I don't care if my attitude offense you or not. In fact I could care less about you and your feelings. If you think that I give a damn about you then you have it all wrong asshole. So why don't you go get a life and find something better to do other than putting your hands on girls and kidnapping them. Thank you and goodbye.
Then I turned my body the other way. I heard Kevin get up and walk away.
Collin finally came back from the bathroom. He was sitting next to me when a guy called my name. Zander picked me up and we Walked back with the guy.

أدب المراهقينA girl named Angel was walking home from school one day. She was getting suspicious when a group of boys from her school were following her. She went through the woods it's a shortcut to her house. But when she went through the woods the boys took t...