Jades pov
My eyes fluttered open, I looked around. I was laying on the floor and Kevin was sound asleep on his bed. I must have fallen asleep on the ground.
My head was pounding. My back was sore. I grunted in pain as I got up from the ground.
I tiptoed to the door trying not to wake Kevin up.
I got to the door and I turned the knob, it was locked. I sighed in anger.
I looked over at Kevin and he was still sleeping. I got back on the floor and I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.
I woke up to Kevin shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked around. I must have fallen asleep.
I realized that Kevin was standing over me and I jump. I flew my self backwards towards the wall in terror.
He chuckled. "Someone's jumpy today" he laughed.
He walked towards me. I tried to push my self backwards to get away from him but the wall was blocking the way.
"There's nothing to be scared of." He said
He got to me and he put his hand out. I just stared at him in confusion.
"Do you want help up or no?" He asked
I grabbed his hand cautiously and he helped me up.
We were standing there just looking at each other. I looked down.
He brought my chin up with his finger and he looked into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. I just stood there. There wasn't much I could do. I was helpless. He was stronger than me so I couldn't push him away and if I resisted then he would hit me.
After he was done kissing me he went to his dresser and pulled out some clothes for him and some clothes for me.
He got out sweat pants and a hoodie for him and white skinny jeans with rips in them with a white off the shoulder crop top for me.
Here put this on he said as he handed me the clothes.
I grabbed them and waited for him to leave or for permission to go to the bathroom.
He stood there starring at me.
"Well? Are you gonna change or not?" He asked me
I slowly set my clothes on the bed and I started to lift up my shirt exposing my sports bra that I He had given me. I put the crop top over my head and I pulled it down, exposing my belly button and shoulders. Then I slid down my pants exposing my thong.
I looked up and saw him starring at me.
I pulled up the white ripped jeans and zipped it up.
I took the hair tie that was around my wrist from the other day and I put my hair up in a high pony tail.
I glanced at him and he was already dressed into his new clothes.
After he was finished he grabbed my wrist and lead me downstairs. Everyone was at the table eating breakfast.
He grabbed two bowls and brought them over to me. He gave me a bowl and kept me for himself.
"Sit" he said
I sat down on the chair next to Angel. She smiled at me and grabbed my knee. I smiled back.
Kevin came and sat next to me. He poured cereal into my bowl. It was fruity pebbles.

Novela JuvenilA girl named Angel was walking home from school one day. She was getting suspicious when a group of boys from her school were following her. She went through the woods it's a shortcut to her house. But when she went through the woods the boys took t...