The walk home.

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Angels pov

The bell had finally rung. It was now time to go home from school. The time I have been waiting for all day. I went to my locker and grabbed all my homework. I shut my locker an walked out. I usually walk home. Is faster then taking the bus. And I don't have my driver's license because im only 15 years old. So I just walk home from school.

I have been walking home for about 10minutes and a group of boys have been following ever since I left the school.I looked back behind me and they were laughing and talking.

I decided to take a shortcut so I can get home faster. I was getting a little scared and suspicious. So I decided to walk through the woods.

I stepped into the woods. And began walking home.

I was walking when I felt someone grab my arm.

I turned around and saw the group of boys.

Let me go. I said sternly.

They all started laughing.

What's so funny? I asked.

She want to know what's funny. The one that's directly in front of me said.

Just what do you want from me? I asked nervously.

We want you. Said the one holding my arm.

My eyes grew big. And I struggled to get out of his grip. I finally got out and began to run. They ran after me.

They caught up to me. One of the guys grabbed me and I turned around and kicked him in the shin. He fell to the ground when I turned around to run he grabbed my ankle. I fell and the other boys ran up to me.

2 of the boys pinned my arms down so I can't get away.

A different boy got on top of me and pulled out a syringe. I started screaming. Someone covered my mouth with his hand.

The guy on top of me stuck the needle into my arm. When he was done he got off of me and the boys that were pinning my arms down let me go. I got up and started running again.

I did t get very far though. My eyes began to get heavy and I began to get weak. I fell to the ground and tried crawling. But I just layed there helpless. I tried to scream out but the only thing that came out of my mouth were pathetic noises.

I could hear the boys laughing at me. They were laughing because I tried to get away but couldn't.

I heard footsteps. Then next thing I knew I was being turned over and picked up. He was holding me against his chest.

Then as he was carrying me I couldn't keep my eyes opened any longer. So I closed them and then everything went black.

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