7) Play to Win

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"Ok we're here . I'll be on the look out for your lover" Veronica said.

We took a cab to some club that all the college kids went to. I hate to say it but I was living. I miss all of this. Old Cheryl might have to come back for one night. It was dimly lit and music was blasting.

I walked around and looked at everyone. It was a mixed crowd all types of people were there. From jocks to goths. But to be honest it was posh. Everyone here looked like they were well off. It's strange because I'm high school I was the only one.

I like this. Me and Veronica sat at the bar. First I wasn't going to get a drink. But who am kidding I deserve it. The strange part is that the bartender didn't even ID us

"Veronica how come he didn't ID us?"

She took a sip and scrunched up her face.

"He's just cool like that" she shrugged.

I took a small sip of the drink before standing up.

"Hey where you going?"Veronica asked.

I just shrugged.

Because honestly I didn't know where I was going. But I did know there had to be some VIP spot in here. So that's what I was looking for. That's what I was longing for. Old Cheryl would've never had to look for one.

Soon I made it to an are in the back. The music was playing but it was a different DJ. I opened the curtain and walked in. This is what I was looking for. There was servers and a miniature bar with a couple booths.

A gentleman waited at the entrance.

I tried to walk past him but he stopped me.
I pushed his hand off my arm.

"I'm going on this section"I told him biting back the little old me wanted to end him.

"Um ...who are you?"He said

Ugh. I don't want old Cheryl to come back. But oh how I miss her. Maybe I should show him exactly who old Cheryl is? But I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Who am I kidding I want to.

"Look I don't know if you're blind or just slow but I'm clearly hbic material. So since you are  so dedicated to your job how about you use your shiny bald head of yours to think. When you think you'll realize that you'd be doing that VIP area favor by letting me back there."

He just stood there.

So I walked in the and whipped the curtain closed in his face.

Ughhh what a prick


Now this is exactly what I want. When I walked in people were looking me up and down. I'm guessing that they either like my outfit or they don't want me here. But hell I don't care. I'm already out here so I might as well have some fun.

I walked up to the bar and sat down.

Then it hit me......

I've only drank once. What the fuck was I supposed to order.....

So like the smart person I am I decided to look up
"Drinks to order at a bar"

That's when I heard a familiar voice next to me say "oh can I have a Long Island for the lady?... keep the change"

I was to turn around and tell the woman that they didn't have to do that until I realized that the woman was Toni.

After I realized it was Toni all I could do was smile. Doing that was getting harder because the look she was giving me was killing me. I knew that look it was lust. I've seen it before on Reggie. He'd do it when he really wanted something.

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