Present Mic x Female!Reader ( Part 1 )

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( This one wasn't a request, but, I hope you all still enjoy! )

No One's POV

It was currently Winter here in Japan, white fluffy snow could be seen everywhere and almost every single place was covered by it. It was already two inches deep and still growing, and the laughs of children were heard throughout almost everywhere as they played in the snow. As for the adults though, most stayed inside to enjoy the warmth of their houses, make some hot cocoa, and sit bundled up in blankets by a fireplace. As for you though, you were currently walking to one of your favorite Cafe's, bundled up in lots of comfortable clothing. A [COC Color of Choice] coat that went down all the way down to your knees, white gloves, matching white boots that went to your knees as well, matching white scarf, and a [COC] hat sitting on top of your [H/C Hair Color] locks. You didn't seem to mind the snow at all, seeing as you would occasionally poke your head out from your scarf and stick out your tongue to catch some snow. 

Soon though, you had reached the cafe and a small smile went onto your lips. You opened the door and walked in, letting out a small sigh of relief from the warmth that enveloped you. You step up to the front of the counter, and order what you desired before going over to a table and taking a seat. You pull your scarf down a bit, and take off your hat before putting it into your coat pocket for now. After you do this, you look around the Cafe a bit, the same small smile on your face before you tilted your head a bit by seeing someone with some wacky ass blonde hair. It was stuck up into the air, obviously with some gel, and you couldn't help but let out a small snicker from it. But, when you saw the guys face, you nearly passed out right then and there. It was THE fucking Present Mic in this crib! 

'How could I not have fucking noticed that?! No one else has his fucking hairstyle that looks like he's trying to be Sonic The Fucking Hedgehog!!!!' You scream to yourself in your mind, not even noticing you were staring at him which made him notice after only a few seconds. By seeing you only made a grin go onto his face as he got up from his seat, and started to make his way over to you. As you noticed this, the only thing running through your head was 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' and so on. Soon, Present Mic was right at your table, bending down a little bit as he looked down at you, his eyes hidden behind his shades. 

"Hey! Couldn't help but notice ya starin' a bit there, Darlin'!" He says, and you couldn't help but blush a little in embarrassment. "Oh, heh, sorry about that! Didn't mean to bother you." You say in response, but, he just simply shakes it off and says "It's fine! I mean, who can resist looking at me~?" He runs his hand through his hair as a grin grows on his face, and you couldn't help but smile and let out a small chuckle from his silliness. "I guess no one can, Mister Mic." You say, but, you see him raise an eyebrow before laughing a bit. "Oh come on, no need for the formalities! Just call me Hizashi, girl!" He says, and you nod before sending him finger guns which made him laugh again. "Hey, I like you! Maybe we can hang out a bit more, eh? How does that sound?" Your smile grows from this, quite a lot actually, and you say to him "I'd be happy to hang out with you, Mister Hizashi! ..Though you might be a bit too busy." 

He seems to suddenly remember he was a Pro hero, but, he just shrugs and says "How about this, Baby Girl? We can meet up here again when I ain't busy, okay? Tomorrow, around 6, be here. I'll be here!" His grin grows a bit at this, and you say "Alright! I'll be here!" He seemed happy by hearing this and it looked like he was about to say something until a Waiter comes over, and gives you your drink as well as the little treat you ordered. "Here you go, Ma'am! Enjoy!" He says before walking away, and you thank him before picking up your cup of [DOF Drink Of Choice], standing up and now looking down at Present Mic. ( tHAT'S RIGHT YER TALLER BITCH ) He looked a bit intimidated by seeing how tall you were, but, you simply smiled and say as you put the required money to pay for your stuff  "Until then, Mister Hizashi! See you tomorrow!" You pick up your treat before starting to walk away, Hizashi watching you leave with the same grin on his face. But, he noticed that he felt something go into his coat pocket before you left, and it made him a bit confused if you just stole his money, or put something in there.

But, when he looked down to see what it was, he was met with the treat that you ordered resting in his pocket, and it made him let out a small chuckle by the site of it. When he looked back to see if you were there, he didn't see a single trace of you left.
He let out a sigh before saying to no one at all

"See you tomorrow.."

But then, he thought for a moment before screaming to himself in his head 'yoU NEVER GOT HER NAME YOU STUPID SONIC THE HEDGEHOG OC LOOKING BASTARD-'

To be continued..

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