🌹Flourist/Tatoo artist au🌹

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Peeps in this oneshot will not have quirks
They're probs gonna be 20-21 here


No one's pov

       Momo just moved into the city from her parent's home to work as a flourist in her aunt's flower shop. Even though the city wasn't new to her, she only just noticed a tattoo shop next to her aunt's shop. Right after unpacking her stuff, she went straight to help her aunt and planned to say hello to her, hopefully, new friends.

Jirou's pov

I was just about to finish doing a tat on one of my customers when i saw a really pretty chick walking past the shop. I didn't realise i was staring until denki kaminari, the owner of the tat shop and also one of my closest friends, snapped me out of my trance.

He smirked,"y'know, she works next door now, right?"

"How do you know that?" I questioned back. "The nice old lady next door told me her niece was gonna work there and even showed me her pic" he told me as he took the money from our last customer. We soon cleaned up and went for our break, not knowing the pretty chick next door was also having her break.

As we stepped out of the shop, i got bumped by someone, causing both me and the person to fall.

Momo's pov

I was walking towards the front door of the tattoo shop during my break when i accidentally bumped into someone. I was about to appologize until i saw the appearance of the person. She looked really, how do i say this... hot. As she stood up and offered her hand for assistance, my cheeks flushed a dark shade of red.

'God, what's happening to me? Why am i blushing? Why do i think she's hot? Wait, am i gay?' I thought in my head.

I hesitated but then proceeded to accept her offer. Her cheeks had a tint of pink on it which i thought was really cute.

"Sorry about that, i didn't see where i was walking" she appologized while rubbing the back of her neck. "You're the next door lady's niece aren't you?" A guy, who i assumed was her boyfriend, asked. I just slowly nodded

'Shoot, i definitly have no chance of being with her' i thought in my head.

"Hi, the name's Denki Kaminari but you can call me Denki. I'm the owner of this tattoo shop. And this is one of the tattooist who work for me and is also one of my closest friends, Kyouka Jirou" Denki introduced. "You can call me kyouka"
She stuck out her hand for a handshake but i hesitated for a bit to think what Denki meant by 'closest friends'

"Wait, did you mean closest friends as in your girlfriend? Oh and my name's Momo Yaoyozoru. Call me Momo for short" I asked Denki as i shook Kyouka's hand. "What? girlfriend? Oh no no no, i actually already have a boyfriend and i'm not really into girls. Oh and Kyouka, i have to go first, Sero wanted to go out with me during my break so i'll leave you and Momo to talk" he replied while giving Kyouka a wink.

Jirou's pov

I knew Denki was lying because Sero, his boyfriend, was out of the state to visit his family but, i guess i should thank him for leaving so that me and Momo can talk.

"So...you wanna go eat with me?" I asked her.

"Of course"

☆Later at a small cafe nearby☆

No one's pov

While eating, they continued talking and asking questions about each other. Everything was normal.
After that day, Kyouka and Momo started having breaks together and going home together as the apartments they lived in were not that far from each other. They also started developing feelings for each other but did not have any confidence to tell so they just kept it a secret.

☆3 years later☆

Momo's pov

"Today has to be the day. The day i confess my feelings for Kyouka. I don't care if she doesn't feel the same but i'm just gonna do it" she said to herself as she left her apartment.

On her way to the flower shop, she walked past Denki's shop which had its front door open, seeing kyouka alredy attending to someone. She saw how focused Kyouka was and thought it was really cute. She stared at her for a while. Kyouka soon looked up and saw her. She just smiled sweetly and greeted Momo. Momo blush and replied back but soon needing to go to work. Momo thought how creepy she must have been for staring at Kyouka but she couldn't resist looking at Kyouka's cute and pretty face. She blushed even more thinking about Kyouka.

Jirou's pov

'She looked so cute blushing like that. And in addition to her beauty. *sigh* I definitly am in love with her. Hopefully my confession will go smoothly and even if she doesn't feel the same, i hope we can still be friends' Kyouka thought to herself.

After a few hours of tattooing, it was finally my break. Denki wished me good luck as i walked out of the shop.

☆Time skip to the nearby cafe☆

As we sat down with our food, i finally decided this was the time to confess. I was about to say something when Momo spoke up too so i let her talk first.

"Kyouka i have to tell you something" I silently gulped, hoping it wasn't anything bad. "I just want to say that i really like you. Not in a friend way but as in i like, like you"

I couldn't believe it. She actually likes me. I was speechless

"I mean if you don't feel the same way then i hope we can still be frie..."

"Nononono" i interupted her "i like you too Momo. I was just surprised." I smiled, blushing slightly.

Her smile widened "So, will you be my girlfriend?" She asked me.

"Of course"

A.N. Wow, 1008 words for my first story. I really hope you liked it and sorry for my crappy writing.

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