⚘Roses⚘ (oneshot)

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Kyoka's pov

I sat in class alone while everyone else talked. Aizawa Sensei gave us a free day today as he wanted to sleep.

I would sit with Denki, but he was talking to his new boyfriend, Sero. So i'm forced to sit here and look like an idiot. Great.

It was the end of the day at least. People where about to pass out roses like what the school does every year. White is for friend, pink is for I like you ,and red is for I love you. Just like every other year, i'm going to be the only person without a rose. You might just be thinking, what about M*neta? Well, he doesn't matter because he gives himself one.

People came into the room and passed out the roses. Denki got a red one from Sero. There was only one rose left, and it was red. Definitely not mine.

"And... Kyoka." The girl said, handing it to me. "Thank you." I said, smiling. I quickly looked at the card hanging on it.

❤Meet me outside class after school. ;) ❤

I looked at it confused, but also with so much happiness. I turned to look at denki, who was already staring at me, grinning from ear to ear. He quickly got up and walked to me.

"Who is it from?" He squealed. "I don't know, but they said to meet them outside class after school."

"Oooo, secret admirer huh" he nudged my elbow. I rolled my eyes at his comment. But the thought of someone actually liking me made my face heat up a little.

I then started to daydream a little, thinking about a perticular person that i might have a crush on. What if she was the one who gave me this. Nah she's too highclass and probably straight. And if you haven't realised, that highclass beauty is the one and only Momo Yaoyozoru.

I turned to face her direction, only to see her blushing at todoroki. *sigh* I knew she was straight. Wouldn't be surprised if they were together.

"Kyoka, hey kyoka, snap out of it. You're staring to long." Denki waved his hand at my face. "Oh u-uh sorry" i apologised. He just waved it off and continued to talk to sero.

"Oh yeah, Kyoka. What are you gonna say to them when you see them?" He said all of a sudden.

"Probs like, thanks or something. I mean, what else am i supposed to say?" He just nodded.

The bell rang. I waited for everyone to leave then i made my way out to see this 'secret admirer' of mine. I just hope it isn't some brat like M*neta or anything.

I walked out and found Yaomomo just standing there. I went up to her to say hi. She replied back with a simple 'hey' but blushed afterwards.

"So, who you waitin for yaomomo?" I asked her.

"Um actually, i was waiting for you" she blushed. Wait. Don't tell me...

"Wait, you're..." i pointed at the flower i was holding.

"Ha ha. Yeah... surprise?" She raised her hands, as if it were a surprise party.

"O-oh, uh, thanks for the rose." I stuttered out.

"Yeah, no problem..." we stood there in awkward silence, not knowing what to say.

"U-um, Jirou san, i need to tell you something... i-i l-lik no uh l-lov." I shushed her using my index finger.

I looked up from staring at the floor the whole time. "I love you too, yaomomo" i gave her the most genuine smile possible.

A tear slipped down her cheek. I started to panic. Did i get the wrong message. What did i do? Why was she crying.

I moved my hand up to cup her cheek. I then used my thumb to wipe the tear away. She was crying, but was still able to smile. Was she crying from joy?

She placed her hand on mine and just looked at me. Her beautiful, onyx coloured eyes shining.

She then hugged me, her head resting in the crook of my neck. She felt so warm. So nice. I wanted to stay like this forever but she soon let go.

She held both my hands and stared into my eyes. God, i'll never get tired of those eyes.

"Jirou san, i'm so happy, no, overjoyed that you feel the same. I wanted to tell you this without making it awkward but i don't think that's going to happen." She giggled.

"I just wanted you to know that, i love you and that if you will be my girlfriend." She smiled at me.

I looked up at her and smiled, "yes."

We hugged each other right in the middle of the hallway. It must have been weird to the people around us, but i don't really care.

"See you tomorrow," yaomomo smiled at me. I smiled back, "bye."

Then we both walked to our buses, smiling.

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