oof lol

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Henlo kidz

Diz aint no story

I just need to ask u somethin....

Any of y'all ever just,

Feel really

pissed/triggered when u just tryna mind your own business, doin your own things,
And some todomomo (or other ships u srsly dislike) just pops up out of no where...

And like, disturbs ur happiness for the day cuz u  didnt do nothin wrong and life's just like...

'I don't like u now, so imma make u sad' and gives u all this and u like
'cri, guess i'll go commit deathpacito...'

Or maybe u just feelin happy, seein ur otp all happy together and that made u happy until dat one photo of your notp and u just... sadded

I need crryy

Lol dat was rand0m

That was gud rant...

B👁  my kiddos

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