Hotel Room OwO(oneshot)

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I'mma just put a little warnin here.
There's a little bit of somethin that's gonna happen. Just a little. But enjoy!

Momo pov

The hotel room is plain, boring. It smells of bleach and sprays used to cover the scent of damp ceilings. Curtains are drawn, windows closed although there is still sounds of sirens and traffic.

She breathes in and out. Each time i feel the air she exhales hit my neck, along with her small, cold hands tracing patterns on my back. Spirals, squares and other odd shapes. As i let out a long sigh, she stops. I turn to face her, raising an eyebrow. She brings her hands up as if to say 'sorry', chuckling slightly. I smirk and sit up facing her. Both our legs crossed so our knees brush slightly.

Her soft hands hang around my neck, making my breath hitch. I wonder if she realises how much control she has over me every time we touch. Slightly, i move closer, makin her lean the rest of the distance between us. Our lips hover against each others for a second.

No longer wanting to wait any longer, i attach our lips. I feel her smile into it, due to my eagerness. Her lips taste like cherries, i remember her buy that lip gloss. I feel her hand move up my shirt, gently trailing her index finger up until she reaches my boob, massaging it. A shaky moan escapes my lips and i break the kiss, resting my head on her shoulder. Taking her hand out of my shirt, she lightly places them both against my back, patting a beat of an unknown melody.

My eyes start to close, the steady beat of her heart comforting me and as i'm about to fall asleep, i hear her whisper "Is there somewhere you can meet me?"


Hi again
So now you know wot that little somethin waz.
Sorry for the short story.

Oki that's all,
Bi for now

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