writing more drabbles cuz i can't think of anything else to do...

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Lettuce just start...

Momo: Your love, hand it over

Kyoka: Over my body

Momo: Aren't you supposed to say over my dead body?

Kyoka: *pinning momo against the wall* no.


Kyoka: i'm so...

Momo: cute

Kyoka: -tired

Momo: *blinks slowly*

Kyoka: ...

Kyoka: I'm what now?!


Kyoka: hey momo! Wanna eat something my mom made?

Momo: yeah sure! What is it?

Kyoka: *sitting on top of the table infront of momo* me.


Momo: Mina, i'm thirsty, could you please get me something.

Mina: yeah sure. *hands over a picture of kyoka*

Momo: this is a picture of kyoka!

Mina: *casually sipping her tea*

~~~~~whoopdeedoo last one~~~~~

Momo: *picking flower petals* does she love me...? Yes... no... yes... no... *gasp* ye-

Kyoka: *chomps on the flower and swallows it*

Momo: *stares in horror at kyoka*

Kyoka: *stares blankly back* Yum.

Datz all mis amigos


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