🎂ooooooooo cake🍰 (oneshot)

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Ikr, cake is amazing.


Momo's pov

I knocked on the door of my best friend, kyoka's, house. We planned on making a cake, and maybe a few cupcakes.

Kyoka said that she didn't know how to bake, and she wanted to make something special for this person she likes. Whoever that is. I'm her best friend and she won't even tell me.

(Btw, momo is hella gay for kyoka)

"Hey." Kyoka opened the door, smiling at me. Her smile is amazing. I don't understand who wouldn't like her.

"Hey," i said walking inside. I went straight to the kitchen, kyoka following close behind.

"Ready to start?" I asked, standing by everything that was already set out for us to use. "Yeah."

After only about 20 seconds of explaining what to do, i looked up at Kyoka who was looking around with a bored as f*ck expression.

"Hey!" I clapped right in front of her, getting her attention. "What?" She jumped from my sudden action.

"Pay attention." I laughed at her. I looked back down at what i was doing. Suddenly, i felt something hit my face.

"What the-" i whispered while feeling to see what it was. Flour. I turned to Kyoka.

I put my hands in the bag, and got as much as i could. Smiling, i threw everything at her. Kyoka turned her head laughing and covering her face.

"Hey!" She yelled, throwing more flour at me. After us just throwing that, i decided to change it up.

As fast as i could, i grabbed an egg. Kyoka wasn't looking at me, now's my chance. I cracked the egg on her head.

"Ow! Sh*t, that hurt." Kyoka said, turning to me. I laughed in response, making her laugh too, then we stood there for about five minutes, laughing as hard as possible.

"So, are we going to finish trying to bake the cake?" I asked after calming down a bit.

"I guess, this is really important so..." kyoka trailed off. "Why don't you tell me who they are?" I asked curiously.

"You'll have to wait." She answered, smiling widely at me. "I just hope she likes me back."

So it's a she...i might just have a chance.

"Trust me, she will. I mean, who wouldn't like you?"

"Does that mean, you like me?" She smirked. Gosh. I blushed at her comment.

"N-no" why. Why in the world did i stutter. Now she probably knows i like her. "I'm just kidding" she said turning back to the ingredients. Well, what's left of it.

"C'mon, let's finish this."

After finally finishing, we both cleaned up the mess. "I should go home and take a shower now." I turned to the door, but kyoka grabbed my wrist.

"Come back at-" she looked at the clock, "6" I smiled. "Sure" she smiled at back me.


"Hey" I smiled at kyoka as she opened the door. "Hey." She smiled back at me. "So, do you need help with anything else?

"Actually, no. I do need to show you something though, close your eyes." She pulled me cautiously into her house, being careful not to make me hit anything. "No peeking." She took me to her living room, i think.

We stopped, and kyoka took her hand away. I was right about where we were, but what i saw was unbelievable.

It was dark, except for the small lights that were hung across the wall by the tv, and a few candles. On the table, there was a DVD of our favourite movie and a bunch of snacks including pizza and chips.

"Oh my jeez" i whispered. "Yaomomo, i've always liked you, but never had the courage to tell you."

Kyoka grabbed the box of pizza and opened it. There was writing on the top.

"This is really cheezy but will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled, nodded my head. "Yes" Kyoka set the box down and hugged me. "Hang on,"

She ran to the kitchen, coming out with the cake we made earlier. It had 'I LOVE YOU' writen on top in frosting.

"I love you too."


Oof that's done...yay

Ah yessss..
Guess wot?
Dis book finally got 100 votes.
Daz kool man
Big thank

Luv y'allz

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