aHa hAhh 🔪🔪🔪 (d r a b b l e s)

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Jade west is so pretty

Yeah so lets continue....


Momo: Jirou, do you wanna get coffee sometime, maybe?

Jirou: uh-ye-Yeah!?

Momo: Great! Um after school?

Jirou: Yeah after it is....Wait. You do mean in a gay way right?

Momo: Yes, in a gay way.

Jirou: Full homo?

Momo: A full homosexual coffee date


Kaminari: when you're gay in your house with nobody else, you're homolone

Kirishima: when you're bi and no one is around, you're biyourself

Bakugou: when two idiots won't be fucking quiet, you're commiting a murder


Jirou: well, i'm about to do something stupid

Momo: you're always doing something stupid so how is this any different

[Bonus: jirou kisses momo and leaves her sputtering and blushing and shocked]


[Laying together in bed]

Jirou: i need you to promise that you'll hold my hand whenever i'm scared

Momo: oh, yeah ok i promise

Jirou: *starts holding momo's hand*

Momo: *looks around confused* Wait what are you scared of?

Jirou: i'm scared if i let your hand go you'll disappear

Momo: *forgets how to breathe*


Jirou: have you ever liked someone before but you're too scared to say it?

Momo: all the time

Jirou: same

Jirou and momo: *silence*

Mina: *is in the distance but can hear them* *slaps their own forehead* They're idiots! Oh my god! Kiss already! Or i'm gonna hear about this for the next week from Jirou!


Jirou: K-k-ki-

Momo: take your time babe, it's okay

Jirou: Ki-i

Momo: You can do it babe!


Momo: ...well i was hoping for 'kiss me' but emotions out are good too

iF i bAck It uP, iS it FaT eNouGh?
wHeN i tHroW iT bAcK, iS it fAsT enOugH?

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