Mr. Bad Boy

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"Hurry the hell up!" Marcia yells, pushing my feet off the table.

"Hey! Chill out!" I cry, throwing my arms up like I'm being arrested.

"Chill out?" She cries, "Winter break is OVER doofus, go get ready for school we're leaving in ten minutes!" I tumble off the couch and stumble into my room. I grab a shirt out of the mound of clothes in my closet and a pair of green skinny jeans. 

"Um..." Marcia appears in the doorway. I duck behind the closet door. "Oh come on, you don't scare me bro." She hands me some clothes and a pair of shoes. "BTW no shirts, jeans or converse okay?"

"You want me to go to school naked?"

"NO! No one needs to see that, Joshua. It's your first day at Sir Campstons and you need this uniform. Strict dress regulations. Good luck!" i hate being talked to like I'm an idiot. Especially from my sister, who's two years younger than me. I button up the white shirt, pull on the grey trousers and slip into the blazer and tie up the black lace up work shoes. I run into the kitchen so Mom can do my tie. Marcia laughs at that part.

"Come on Momma's boy let's get going!" She yells from the front door. I sling the plain navy blue bag over my shoulder, swing my car keys around my finger and chase her out the house. 

As I drive, I check out my reflection. My eyes are dark from last night. Giant party. Rush home. Aproximately one hour's sleep. Now this. My hair sticks up all over my head. I try flattening it but nothing helps. We stop by 'MORNING BUZZ' to grab some coffee. I get an extra shot to boost me up.   Then I drop off Marcia at SpringCrest Senior High. For the first time in my life I am jealous of her. For the first time in my life I actually want to go to school. i miss it, despite the fact that when I was there I waited all day for the siren to ring its final bell. But now I miss it, laughing at Mr Frustroid, sticking gum under the desks in Geography, playing on the fields and courts with the school screaming you on, showing up early to watch an early cheerleading session with my buds, hanging after school in the school skate park, drinking pepsi and mentos at lunch. I reverse out of the parking space reluctantly and use my GPS to find my new hell hole school. I mean, if the uniform is any indication I know it's going to be a disaster. I look like a dork, and i'm glad my friends from the party can't see me.

I park up outside a big majestic building. It has large glass windows and dark wood and bricks and towers and is giant, even more buildings further into the campuss. This high school looks more like a prestigious college. Palm trees sway out front and to the side of the great main entrance I see some cloudy glass gates, surrounding a gigantic pool, with twelve lanes and a seperate diving pool. Tons of kids race up the step stairs that lead up to the grand front entrance, everyone looks identical in their geeky uniform. I saunter up the stairs, pulling the map out of my bag and marvelling at the gigantic school grounds. But it sucks. I won't enjoy it one bit. I KNOW that. 

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