Messed up (3)

443 5 0

Warnings: dystopic universe, omegaverse, implied experimentation on humans, implied genetic modification, almost rape, the sex is actually really tame. ((I put way too much effort in this one)).

Ever since he presented, Evan has been trapped in the system, waiting to be assigned a mate, and being transformed into a breeding machine. Omegas are rare, especially male ones but that's another story, so the system concentrates on having the few ones that exist mated to an alpha, and modified to produce more omegas, who will repeat the process.

The system was created after a huge insurgence of alphas; no one is quite sure how it happened but even with the system making so many omegas, alphas keep increasing in numbers.

Evan is a third generation, which is weird enough in itself, he's male, and he can naturally breed in quantities; this makes him a luxury, which means he's treated nicely enough, even if he's still submitted to the same genetic modifications as everyone else. Being marked as a luxury also means only high class alphas can try for him, and he's allowed to pick age ranges, which is why he's been here for so long.

However, now he finally has a group competing for him, there's four alphas presented to him in line; two females and two males, all but one of them are dressed in fashionable clothing. The odd one out is tall and a bit on the lanky side, but he's the tallest one in the room, his skin is pale or looks like it under his dark clothing; he has curly hair that falls to his shoulders and piercing eyes, he's also the only one that looks as though he'd rather be anywhere else, and that resounds with Evan.

The other three are what Evan expects from rich people; the other male alpha is muscular, with short mahogany colored hair, his skin is tanned from spending time under direct sunlight; Evan decides he likes him the least so far. One of the girls has black skin, and her height is somewhere between bulky alpha and black alpha, which is rather impressive; her back is board and she wears an easy going smile, if Evan hadn't been captivated by black alpha she'd probably be his favorite; he notes that she has her hair braided. The last alpha is also tanned, but hers is more synthetic, she has hair a shade of blonde darker than Evan's, and she's the shortest, but she's looks like she could snap someone in half, Evan is a bit weary of her, but likes her more that bulky alpha.

One of the people who work for the system stands at the side, they smell like a beta but Evan can't tell anything else about them. They step forward to introduce everyone in the room to each other.

"This is omega 03498273, goes by Evan Hansen, third generation, gender male, naturally could carry up to five pups; though he can now carry up to 15; he's currently 17 years old"

That seemed to impress all four alphas, considering they all have to be around his age, as he requested it, their parents probably were the ones to pick Evan for them. The beta moves to the alphas; he starts with the shorter female.

"Étaín Dunne; female, 18 years old"

She stands to her full height; Evan is taller than her but that matters very little when she could definitely break every bone in his body. The beta moves to the next female alpha.

"Manaia Laurens; female, 17 years old"

She also stands at full height, Evan is somewhere near the bulky alpha's height so both her and black alpha are taller than him. The beta moves to the bulky male alpha.

"Alban König; male, 19 years old"

He repeats the motion of standing tall, he's eye level with Evan, so he also positions himself in a way that his muscle shows. The beta finally moves to the last alpha; the one Evan is most curious about.

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