IDK (2)

359 6 0

Warnings: Omegaverse, some possesive dialougue, and more stuff probably.

Time seems to slow down as their laughter ceases and they both realize the position they're in, Connor pinning a flustered Evan into the bed, the omega lifts a hand to his face, keeping him frozen in place, heart stuttering.

In a single movement their lips met, only to be separated a moment after, leaving the sensation to linger on Connor, until it downed on him; then, with a smile bright enough to rival the light hanging over them, he pressed himself flush to the omega, reclaiming his lips for himself, delighting in the way Evan melted beneath him while trying to trap him there.

Evan wrapped his legs around him as he made a sound that had Connor growling and taking his chance to deepen the kiss, one hand resting on his back, fingers gripping at his shirt, the other curled tightly in his hair to keep him from pulling too far.

His hands trail downwards, as he distracts Evan with his tongue and teeth, unbuttoning, unzipping, and having to detach himself in order to pull them away. He's quick to start trailing his teeth along Evan's thighs, spurred on by the way Evan has become a writhing mess beneath him, and taking the chance to mark the sensitive skin, causing mewled moans from the omega.

Connor moves to pull his own pants away, and smiles at the whine that follows his movement, Evan keeps lust-blown eyes set on him, and gets rid of his shirt by himself. Connor makes quick work of his own clothes, so they're both just in underwear, and goes back to his place, pinning Evan against the mattress; the omega lets out a happy trill at this, and then is back to moaning mess as Connor starts marking and scenting his torso, careful not to climb to the neck just yet.

The alpha takes advantage of how blinded with pleasure Evan is in order to get rid of the last items of clothing between them, and then finds himself pulling away to move down and put his head between the omega's legs. Evan smells amazing, producing sleek like crazy due to his arousal, and Connor can't help but get a taste; it receives a reaction that has him fighting himself not to pounce Evan then and there, so he busies himself with stretching the omega open with his tongue instead, as Evan practically screams in pleasure.


He hums, and feels Evan's walls spasm around his tongue.

"Ah~ alpha, please"

He pulls away; moving up until his member is pressed against Evan's leaking entrance. 

"What do you want?"

"You! I want you to knot me, ah~ please! Please!"

He smiles widely and moves back down to better align himself, easily getting the head across the entrance, and then slowly sliding in until his entire member has disappeared inside Evan, and the omega is panting heavily as his walls spasm around the alpha. It takes a lot of restrain to move slowly as he lifts Evan's legs, where the omega wraps them around his waist, and not start pounding into him immediately.

Evan is having none of it, wriggling beneath him and trying to coax him into a faster rhythm with movements that should be illegal; it doesn't take much to break Connor, and then the alpha lets go completely as he pounds into the omega viciously, going even harder when Evan all but claws at his back for dear life. The omega is all approving mewls and pleased moans, as he begs for more, begs to be ruined completely.

"Ah~ yours, please~ wanna be yours" 

And who is Connor to deny him such a request, when it's all he ever wanted; so he bends down into Evan's neck without pausing his movements, and latches his teeth into the hardest part to hide, claiming the omega for himself once and for all. Evan moans out his name loudly as the mark enhances every movement tenfold, until both of them are reduced to moans and pants, and Connor drives Evan to orgasm while devouring his mouth, swallowing every sound he makes.

The way Evan clenches around him with a mute moan is enough to have Connor spilling deep inside him, knotting them together, as his member starts filling Evan's insides. Connor slows down his pace as he rides their orgasms, until he can stop and move them into a more comfortable position, tied as they are; Evan starts purring as a smile paints his lips.

"I didn't think it would be like that, being claimed" 

Connor hums, smiling back at the omega.


Evan connects their lips in a soft kiss, keeping his forehead pressed against Connor's.


Connor kisses him back, and then kisses his freshly formed mate mark.

"Can't believe you're mine"

Evan hums, and kisses him again, this time lingering a few beats and speaking directly into Connor's lips.

"All yours"

Connor chuckles at his tone, but pulls him for a much deeper kiss, they're both too tired for another round, but Connor can definitely scent his mate, and that's exactly what he does.

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