PWP (1/2)

538 4 0

Warnings: Possesive talk, possesive behaviour, unsafe sex, there's probably more, so ask me to add them if you spot them.  

One moment Evan had been trying to apologize to Connor Murphy, the next he was in the backseat of the other's car, fully naked, as Connor traced every inch of his skin with his mouth. Evan had his casted arm wrapped around Connor's bare back, and the other hand tangled in the brunet's hair; letting out moans and whines as their bodies brushed together in the small space.

Connor leaves his current position on Evan's hips, where he's left an array of very dark marks, to move up and lock his lips with Evan's, the movement has their hard-ons pressing together, causing Evan to moan into the kiss; Connor takes the chance to slip his tongue in, exploring it like a starving man.

Connor breaks the wet kiss for a moment to say "gonna make you forget her" before he dives back in. It feels good, everything feels so fucking good, and hot, and he wants Connor to never stop.

Connor pulls back again, eyes hooded with clear lust as he keeps talking "make you want to be mine, only mine" before he goes to Evan's neck to leave a trail of hickies all over.

He moves back down slowly, either retracing the marks he's left or adding new ones, Evan is a moaning mess under him. Connor makes it all the way to his throbbing member and gives it a gentle kiss before he lifts Evan's legs into his shoulders and kisses his entrance.

Evan is overcome by an overwhelming want for something he can't put a name to yet, but it's enough for him to let out a plead "Connor please, please" the taller boy smiles at him for a moment and then he licks over his entrance, causing him to gasp loudly.

Encouraged by Evan's desperate plea, Connor start's licking him open, turning him into an absolute mess as he melts completely into the seat cushions. After a bit Connor pulls away and Evan lets out a whine that has the other chuckling.

"So eager, you gotta ask for it"

Connor moves his legs down to his back where he coaxes Evan into wrapping them, and presses the tip of his leaking member into his widened hole; Evan suddenly knows exactly what he wants. 

"Please, Connor I want you, please"

Connor pushes in half way; Evan writhes in place, desperate for more. Connor pulls him into a desperate kiss, nipping at his lower lip to gain entrance, and tugging Evan's tongue into his own mouth; Evan is quick to catch up and start's exploring, then his tongue is pulled into a dance with Connor's that has both moaning into each other's mouths.

Evan still wants more, and he remembers what Connor promised so he tries something "Take me" Connor nips at his ear letting out what sounds like a growl "wanna be yours, take me". That works like a charm because not only does Connor push the rest of the way till he's completely buried inside Evan, but he immediately starts thrusting into him; shifting as if trying to find something.

After a bit he hits something that sends electricity through Evan's whole system and he decides to tell him "there! Connor there!" which results in Connor shifting and ramming into it as a test; Evan arches up in pleasure and the taller boy smirks.

"Say you're mine," Connor whispers into his ear lustfully, Evan is going to go insane if he doesn't move again soon, so he complies. "I'm yours," and gets another harsh hit into what has to be his sweet spot, this time he's unprompted "yours"; Connor pulls almost entirely out before ramming back in, Evan needs him to stop torturing him so the next one sounds more like a plea, "only yours". Connor seems to get the message and starts pounding into Evan's prostate with abandon; Evan clings onto him for dear life as his insides are completely ravished.

He orgasms with Connor's name on his lips and is filled soon after, Connor pants heavily on top of him, looking absolutely disheveled but Evan is probably way, way worse. Connor's eyes slowly go back to normal; he gives Evan a heavy look and places a hand on his cheek.

"No more chasing after Zoe"


"Good, I don't share"

Evan feels a shiver run through him at the way Connor looks when he says that. Connor helps Evan get dressed again, and Evan tries to return the favor clumsily, as he only has one working hand, but they manage to look somewhat decent; Evan still has some very visible hickies.

"Let's go get something to cover those, and then I'll drive you home"

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