Chapter 1: New kid in town

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(The majority of this story will be from the perspective of Sal/Sally towards an original character, if you find this unsatisfactory then let me know)

I can't lie and say that I'm entirely happy with how things have turned out, mom is gone and dad is unhappy but he's not the only one.
I'm suffering in my own little way every day, whether it be from my own injuries, the loss of my mom herself or the constant bullying I experienced.

I turn towards my dad and ask "Are we almost there dad? I feel like we've been driving for hours now." He looks towards me with deep green eyes and says "Yes we're close now, just over this hill and you should see the apartments"

As he says this the massive apartment complex comes into view, there is a sign that reads 'Addison apartments', I was honestly expecting a much creepier building but this doesn't seem so bad.

"So that's our new home is it?"
"So it would seem Sal"

There are lights turned on in a fairly odd order, some on the first floor and a few in a straight line up to the fourth, though a little odd I just brush it off as if it was nothing.
We pull up outside of the building and are greeted by a couple walking past.

"Hello there, you look to be new in town!" They seem to be rather jovial people. My dad replies before I can even open my mouth.
"Ah yes we are, we're just moving into this complex here"
"Addison apartments? Pretty strange place I tell you, Well have fun while you're here!"

Hmm, That woman doesn't like me clearly. She was staring at me the whole time she was talking but I guess I'm used to it by now.

I help my dad unpack as we head inside, we were already given the keys to our room and a few spares incase we ever lost them.

Thank god the elevator works, I don't think I can manage to carry all this up the stairs, speaking of stairs I don't actually see any. Strange.

We get to our room and it's surprisingly big but it's at that moment when it hits me.
"GIZMO!" or should I say my dad's voice hits my ears, he drops the bags and runs back down to the car to get our cat, I can't believe we both forgot him.

There was already furniture laid out for us so I fall down onto the sofa and drift off to sleep, I'll unpack later.

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