Chapter 3: School life

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After I introduced myself to Dom a week has past and now it was time for me to start going to high school again, luckily for me it turns out that he and Larry are the same age as me so I can just follow them around all day.

I start to get ready in the morning as I hear my dad waking up, I throw on a thick grey sweater, slightly ripped black jeans and black boots. Gotta dress to impress.

Dom said he would walk with me to school cause Larry always has to get there early so I guess I'm lucky, I think I like him. Even though I've only known him for a week everything he says and does just makes me want to be with him although I never thought I would feel this way towards someone.

I walk out my door and see him standing there in a Leather jacket, thick jeans and boots almost like mine, he's itching under his mask and I see a small drop of blood slowly spill out from underneath. He stops as he notices me.

"Hey there Sal, d'you wanna start walking now?"
"Yeah sure, I like your outfit. It looks good"
"Thanks, I haven't been at school recently so I thought I'd dress a little better for the first time in a while."

He hasn't been at school? I wonder why.

"Why weren't you at school?"
"Just got suspended for my behaviour, nothing interested me cause the people were boring and so were the lessons. I eventually just skipped lessons and got suspended because of it"
"Oh ok, That doesn't seem so bad"

He laughs a bit and I see his mask move, I didn't even realise that He's wearing a mask that's eerily similar to Corey Taylor's all hope is gone mask.

Mine seems so basic compared to his, it's just white with a small purple area around my eye and a small carved mouth. I don't even realise how long I've been looking at him.

"Sal, we're almost there. You looked like you were day dreaming. You were staring at me the entire time. Almost made me start to blush"

Almost made him? I was blushing the entire time.

I decide to break the silence a bit.

"How many classes do we have together?"
"All of them I think, that makes It easy for you"
"Heh yeah, very easy"

We come up to the school entrance and see people walking in, they notice us together. Both wearing masks and you could tell what they were thinking.

"Ugh look at them, I thought there was only one freak but here comes another"

I got used to it in my old school but I hope it isn't worse this time around.

"Come on Sal, I'll show you your locker and give a quick tour before we go to our classes"
"Sounds good"

We walk up to a row of lockers and Dom's locker is right next to mine.

"I had my dad ring the school and request that you be next to me considering it was an empty space."
"Thanks for that, you're really nice you know"

I hold up my fist for a fist bump but before anything happens I hear an annoying voice behind me.

"Well well well, if it isn't freakshow Dominic and his new best friend, how you doing Dom? Face still hurting?"
"Yes Travis it is, thanks for asking. I'm gonna let the freakshow comment slide cause I'm in a good mood but you better not offend him"
"Or what? You'll beat me half to death like you did to Cole? I know you won't, you're too scared to"

What? Who's Cole? I thought he skipped lessons and got suspended, not through fighting.

"First of all I didn't beat him half to death, it was a broken nose at best. But yes, I will beat you half to death if you go near him or hurt him"
"Ooh big words, we'll see about that. Talk to you later"

He walks past us, giving me a sly look as he does. What a prick.

"Thanks for defending me there Dom, you're really alpha"
"Nah not really, I just don't like assholes like him who hate people just because of what they look like."
"Well thank you anyways"

I pull him in for a hug and he accepts it, he bends down slightly so that I don't look really short and I'm grateful for that.

"Still want that tour? We don't have much time though"
"Nah not anymore, I'll figure it out when I follow you around"
"Ok then, I guess we'll just hang around here until the bell rings"

Larry walks up behind me and gives me a fright, I jumped and made him jump to. I don't think that was his purpose.

"Woah chill out Sal, I'm just putting my folder away."

He opens a locker on the left side of Dom and places his folder inside.

"I gotta get to the art classes and they're on the other side of the school so I'll see yous later yeah?"

Me and Dom both reply in unison.

"Yeah, sure"

We eye each other and laugh, Larry walks off to his class and we slowly head to ours.

"What do we have first?"
"That would be maths, pretty boring stuff if you ask me. I usually skip this one."
"Can't do that now can you? Don't wanna be suspended again."
"No I guess not"

Later that day we run into Travis as we are leaving school with Larry.

"Heya Dom, why the sad face?"
"Hi Travis, Why the cliches?"

He gets up and starts walking towards Dom.

"I could end you right now so don't push your luck."
"I'd love to see you try"

I noticed Dom getting ready for a fight, clenching his fists and moving his feet.

Travis swings for him and it's slides off of his mask luckily, Dom counter attacks with a powerful punch to the face, sending him tripping backwards onto his ass. Blood starts pouring out of his nose.

"What was that about ending me Travis? You think you're the big boss but you're a piece of shit!"

Travis looks at Dom through teary eyes and shouts back.

"Fuck you faggot, you can hit me all you want but you're a sinner. Being gay is a sin and you are going to hell. Along with that piece of shit friend you have there with the mask."

I decide to speak for myself.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being gay Travis. I'm thinking you might be gay but you're way too scared to admit it."
"Fuck off midget I'm not gay and I never will be so fuck you"

He walks away slowly and Dom looks at me.

"For the record I'm Bi, not gay. Also you can really talk can't you, makes me proud"

I smile under my mask and I think he notices. he reaches his hand out towards me, I study it for a second and see the red marks from punching Travis in the face.

I take hold of his hand and just squeeze tight.

"Can we go now?"
"Of course"

He doesn't seem to mind me holding his hand and I'm glad. We walk back to the apartments hand in hand almost like a couple. If only. I hope he likes me as much as a like him but I doubt it.

I'll tell him how I feel soon.

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