Chapter 5: Today's the day

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After the awe of Saturday the school week started again. Me and Dom are officially a couple now but we haven't told anyone yet.

On Monday Larry introduced us to his friends Ashley, Todd and chug. Ashley seems like a pretty cool person but she's been giving me some real fuck me eyes. I should probably tell her I'm taken.

Todd seems nice as well, he's like a stereotypical nerd you'd see in a movie from the 80's but he isn't the kind to bombard me with tech talk so I'm grateful.

Chug is uh...weird. He's nice enough but he eats everything he can and drinks everything he wants. Hence the nickname. I don't know his name, I don't think anyone does. Apparently the teachers call him Chug as well.

It's Wednesday now and I'm about to head to school with Dom. Instead of waiting outside he's invaded my room and is now watching me get ready for school.

My eyes meet his and I speak up.
"Don't you have something better to do?"
"And miss this sight? Who do you take me for?"

He starts to look me up and down like I'm a model and a smirk slowly appears on his face. When he's with me he doesn't wear any of his masks so I see every little movement he makes.

He stands up and walks towards me slowly, he wraps one hand around my hip and lifts my mask with the other. He pulls me close and kisses me passionately. This was a bit sudden but I kissed him back, revelling in the moment.

After a few seconds he let go and said "Come on Sal, we best get going."
"Yeah I know, lemme just put my clothes on."

He takes off quickly, and comes back with a leather jacket similar to his but in a smaller size.

"Sal, I bought this for you the other day. I thought that even if we don't outright tell people we're dating we can at least hint at it"

I put my shirt on and look up at him with wide eyes.

"Thank you Dom, I really like it. I love you"
"I love you too."

I slip the jacket on and give him a tight hug. It's then when I realise I haven't even put any pants on. I think to myself "Well I'm wearing a leather jacket, I should wear clothes to match".
I throw on some black jeans and steel cap boots to match and feel like a muh fucking badass.

"We should get going now" Dom says this while putting his mask on. This time it's a slick, clean white mask similar to mine.

We head out and start walking towards the elevator, and Dom says to me. "You know I think you'd look a lot better if you just let your hair down"

I take the hair bands out of my hair and let it droop under my mask.
"Still think That?"
"Yeah, it looks really nice."

I look away for a second with embarrassment and grab his hand, locking my fingers inbetween his.

"People are dense, let's see if they can figure out we're seeing when they see us like this."

We get outside and start walking to school, some people notice us but just stare at the masks rather than what we're doing.

The school doors are in sight and we see Travis walk upto to a small kid and push him around and grab his collar, I can see Dom isn't happy so I drag him over to where Travis is.

"Hello again Travis, you resorted to bullying again? Feel empty after your little break?"

He looks up at me and Dom and sees us holding hands. Travis quickly shifts his feet and starts walking away saying "You got lucky kid, I'll find you when they aren't around"

The boy looks at me and thanks me before running off.

"Wow dude, I didn't even need to speak that time. You've gotten much more confident. "
"Well my life's in a good place right now"

He kisses me on the forehead and we walk into school, still hand in hand.
We find Larry at his locker talking to Ashley and they notice us.

Larry speaks first, "Hey Sal, Hey Dom. What's with the hand holding?"

Dom takes the lead, "Take a guess Larry, it shouldn't be hard"

"No...yous are a couple? I'm happy for you two. Congrats"

Ashley is looking at me as if I'd started world war 3. She eventually Decides to talk and says "Yeah I'm confused, I thought for sure you were straight Sal. And I even thought you liked me."

"No, sorry. I never liked you in that way. I was actually already with Dom when I  met you but we just didn't mention it at the time."

Ashley looks completely defeated. "Oh ok, well Dom, congrats"


The bell rings and we head to our classes, me and Dom have biology and we sit next to each other at the back of the room, no one wanted to sit near us so we have a row to ourselves.

We can't talk so we pass notes so we can speak to each other.

Dom writes first and he has pretty messy handwriting, he says he has something called Dyspraxia which makes that worse but I dunno the details.

The note reads "Sal I'm horny"

I look up at him slowly and he's just staring at me.

"Well what do you expect me to do?"

"Dunno, just wanted to tell you"

"You better not be hoping for a handjob cause I don't think I could exactly be sneaky about that"

"You could always try😉"

He drew a winking face, the sly dog.

"Ok fine, if the teacher looks up at us then I'm stopping then and there"

Dom slowly unzips his jeans while the teacher talks, and I can see his bulge through his underwear. He wasn't  lying when he said he was horny.

I peel away his boxers and grab his dick. I start to slowly stroke his dick up and down, trying to work the shaft the best I can while trying to be discreet about it but it's kinda hard. He let's out a tiny moan. That's cute.

A little bit later he is ready to cum but I stop before that happens, he looks at me with pleading eyes.

I take some paper and write down "I don't want to have to clean up your mess so save that for later"


"Yes later"

"As in tonight later?"


He looks over at me and hugs me, with his pants still undone and penis on view. I whisper very quietly.

"Pull up your pants, you're showing every inch"

He quickly pulls up his pants and the lesson ends shortly after. We walk out of the lesson and bump into Larry and Ashley again.

"Hey Larry, Hi ash"

"Hey Sal, I just noticed you have your hair down, looks good dude."

"Thanks man"

Larry always seems to talk before Ashley

"So anyways, how was that class for You?"

"Eventful to say the least"

"Anything interesting happen?"

"Nothing you wanna know about I think"

"Alright then, I think we all have a free period so you guys wanna grab something to eat?"

"Yeah sure, sounds good"

All four of us walk to get some food, me and Dom keep passing each other little looks. Anticipating our time after school.

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