Chapter 2: Just like me...

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I woke up to the sound of heavy metal from next door, sounds like Metallica? I'm glad one of my neighbours has a good music choice.
I drag myself up and go to the bathroom to look in the mirror, every now and then I check myself to see if anything will ever change but as of now nothing has.

Still 5'4, still have long blue hair, still wearing this mask at all times. I have a variety of masks that I can wear but this plain white one is best suited for people I don't know very well.
"Why can't I grow..."

I go to where my room is and start to get changed into something easy on the eyes, a Ramones Jumper, some dark grey jeans and some black converse trainers. I look at my bags and take out a collection of various types of masks and I put one on, it's a black and white mask with the initials S.F carved into them. By me of course.

"That should be good enough, let's go meet the neighbours"

I walk out of my door into a tall, lanky figure.

I gasp and he speaks before I can.

"Woah there"
"Sorry about That"
I look up as he looks down and I could see the shock in his eyes when he notices the mask, of course he's gonna ask about it, I know he'll ask.

"So you're the new kid huh?
"Yeah I guess so? Are you not gonna ask about the mask?"
"Nah dude it's cool, I'm not gonna pry"

I honestly expected him to be a bit scared but he seems perfectly chill about it.

"I'm Larry by the way, I live way down with my mom"
"I'm Sal or Sally maybe even Salzar if you want an edgy nickname"
"Nice to meet you Sal, do you want me to show you around or do you think you can manage?"
"Well I was just planning on meeting the neighbour for today but you can tag along if you want"
"Your neighbour? He seems to be a pretty cool kid, he wears a mask like you but his are a bit...darker"
"Darker how?"
"Like scary, he speaks real slow and careful and he looks like he watches every single move I make when I talk to him."
"What do his masks look like?"
"Hmmm, imagine a blank canvass but there's solid piercing features, a gentle smile but always staring eyes. I think his eyes are red you know, it's real weird"

Im slightly concerned about Larry now, he's calling this kid weird and scary but he can't be that bad can he?

I knock on the door and introduce myself to the man that answers.

"Hello there, My name is Sal and I just moved in next door. I was hoping I could meet you seeing as I'll be your neighbour for a while"

The man was a tall man, could have stood way above six feet and was very muscular. He introduced himself as Conrad, a mask maker and exercise enthusiast.

"Well I presume you'll want to meet my son, I make all of his masks whenever he has a new idea for one"
"Has he had any new ideas recently?"
"Yeah but it's a bit of a strange one, it's like a knights helmet but has some sort of cloth covering his mouth and right eye"

That sounds pretty cool I'm not gonna lie, and then all of a sudden I hear a voice. It's very muffled but it's definitely someone singing.

"Oh there he goes, he's a pretty good singer, he used to be in a band before his accident"

A band huh? Interesting.

"Can I go in to see him sir?"
"Please just call me Conrad, and yeah you can, just knock on his door loudly so he can hear you come in"

I walk over to the door and Larry follows, he says he's talked to the kid but I feel confident enough to introduce myself to him. I bang on the door as instructed and the voice changes pitch, it changed from a bassy, booming note to a slightly higher pitched and inviting tone.

"Come in, the doors unlocked"

I walk in slowly and his eyes watch me, Larry was right. They are a deep ruby red, and he is watching me carefully. That is until he notices my mask.

"Hi My name's Sal or Sally, which ever you prefer and I just moved in next door"

Larry chirps in.

"Or Salzar if you want to be edgy"

The kid doesn't even laugh, guess he doesn't find him funny either.

He stares at my face.

"So sal, you have a prosthetic too I see. I've never seen anyone else with one"
"Well not everyone else has been maimed in some way"
"Yeah I guess so, so what brings you by? Just looking to introduce yourself or are you looking around?"

I was too busy scanning the room to answer the question, I noticed a guitar in a stand and padding all over the walls, probably to keep the sound in when he's playing.

"Sal? SAL!"
"Huh? Oh yeah I came to introduce myself mainly, and possibly make some friends."
"Well don't get comfy then if you wanna be friends because you're gonna have to beat me in a challenge first"

I look at him slightly confused.

"A challenge? What kind?"

He stands up and lets his body be on show, I'd say he stands at 5'11 maybe 6 foot and has a very defined body. His clothes are tight so his muscles are visible and he is big, really big!
He is wearing all black but his hair contrasts that, his hair is light and almost looks unreal. An unnatural shade of white that I've never seen before. Maybe he's an albino? That would explain the red eyes and white hair. All of this is turning me on.

"The challenge is, who has the better masks"
"Aw come on, your dad makes masks so of course you're gonna win, that's unfair"
"Then you come up with a challenge that's fair"

I pause to think for a moment.

"How about This, tongue twisters!"
"That's gonna be hard for me sal"
"Whys that?"
"I gots me a throat scar, that's why I talk like this so if I say hard words it hurts, so tongue twisters are a no go"

I look at Larry who has been quietly playing on a gameboy this entire time and he speaks up again.

"Just screw the competition, hug eachother and be friends"

I look at the kid, who is definitely not a kid and say this

"Oh yeah, I haven't even got your name"
"Right, it's Dominic, or Dom if I like you enough"
"Dom huh? I like that name... wanna do that hug now?"

I see his eyes shift down and slowly rise up as if he is scanning me and after a few short seconds he speaks.

"Yeah sure, that'll do nicely"

He pulls me in close and gives me a tight and warm hug, it feels really nice and I don't wanna leave but I eventually let go and pull away. I think I am really turned on, if I wasn't wearing the mask you would see me blushing.

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