Chapter 4: Is this Happening?

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A few meaningless days have past, school hasn't been anything important and Travis hasn't been at school. Probably too ashamed to come back after he got beat up by a "Faggot".

It's early morning on Saturday, I haven't really got anything to do. I messaged Dom to see if he was awake but considering I've had no reply I'll assume he's asleep.

"Pfft I'm so booooored"

All of a sudden I hear my phone buzz.
"Oh that better be him"

I climb out of my bed and stumble  towards my phone to look at the message.

Dom: I'm awake now Sal, wanna come round today?
Me:Yeah, sounds good. Just let me get ready
Dom: not really any need, my dad isn't in all day.
Me:oh ok, I'll be round in a minute

I go to my mask collection and pick up a solid grey mask with small slits for the eyes. I start to walk out of the apartment and look in a mirror. I'm just wearing a vest and shorts to go around to his.

I get to his and knock on the door and hear some pretty heavy metal. It's not a band I've heard before, he mustn't have heard me so I just open the door and walk in.

The music keeps going but I hear "COME IN" from the other side of his bedroom door.

I open the door and walk in, It's no wonder I didn't know the band. Dom is playing his guitar with a backing track on and he is pretty impressive.

When he sees me he stops playing and sets his guitar down.

"Hey Sal, impressed?"
"Yeah very, you're really good on the guitar Dom"
"Thanks, I've been playing for about 7 years now. Way before I had my little accident."

Hmmm I could get a little information out of him right now.
"What even happened to you? Like what was the accident?"

He looks up at me with hurt in his eyes.

"Well, that's a story. I suppose I can tell you. I'm 17 now so the accident would've had to have happened 4 years ago. Me and my dad were out in the mountains near here and we got separated for about an hour... and that's when it happened. I heard talking so I thought it might've been him but I was so wrong."

I'm just sitting down and patiently watching him while he tell his story.

"I came across what was most likely a drug deal, and the guys weren't too stable either. When one of them noticed me I tried to run but he  caught up and grabbed me. I tried fighting back and he pulled a knife out. He told me that I better not go to anyone about this or he'd find me, I tried to struggle even more and he slashed me across the cut my eye open and blinded me on my right side and when I screamed out in pain he kept going."

I can see his hands clench and his composure change.
"You don't have to keep going, It's ok"
"No, I'm already this far in so I might as well say the rest. He had cut open my face multiple times, my eye was cut open, cuts all along my face and my eyebrow was slit in two basically.
I don't know why he kept going but he held the knife up to my neck and pressed it slowly in. That's when someone noticed him so he dropped me and ran. They saw me bleeding and almost unconscious on the ground so they called an ambulance and found my dad, he felt so guilty about getting separated that he stayed with me in hospital for as long as he could and eventually he started making masks so that I wouldn't be ashamed of going into public and so that the air didn't hurt my scars and make them bleed."

Tears start streaming down my face come from under my mask as he finishes his story.
"Dom, thank you for sharing that with me."
"Hey don't cry about it. It's no problem Sal, I guess I just like you enough to share this with you"

I stand up and start blushing hard.
"Dom i- this is gonna sound a bit strange but I like you a lot. More than a friend should and I can't help my feelings for you. I know that you may not feel the same way but I really really like you."

He stands up as well and his deep black masks shifts, I think he's smiling at me.

"How could you say that Sal. I like you as well and I have for a little bit now. You're a great person and a good listener and I would love it if you would be my boyfriend"

He likes me too? Yes! I can't believe it, is this really happening? It's too hard to believe.
He moves towards me and lifts up his mask slightly, just enough to show his mouth and he does the same to mine. He bends down and kisses me, he's much softer and gentler than I would've thought and I offer no resistance. I kiss him back and we are like this for what seems like an eternity. After a little while we pull away, breathing hard and heavy.

"Sal, was that your first kiss?"
"Yeah, was it yours?"
"Yeah, no one would want to kiss me now anyways. Apart from you"

I start fidgeting and remember that I'm barely wearing anything and suddenly shiver from a slight chill.

"You cold? You can come lie down with me under the covers if you want."
"I Will, if you don't mind"

He sits down and lifts up the covers for me to join him. I crawl in with him and he holds me tight to warm me up, it feels so nice that I slowly start to drift off to sleep.

A few hours must be went by because the sun is glaring in my eyes when I wake up. Dom is still holding me while he's asleep.

"Aw, How cute" 

He looks so handsome like this and I can't help but stare at him

I try to get a sneaky look at what he looks like under his mask and unbuckle some of the straps.

"Wow, I expected much worse"

I can see where his right eye and I realise quickly.

"The red eyes are contacts!"

I don't want to peel them away so I don't get close to his eye. I look at all of his scars and they are deep. Slashes all across his face and neck, It's no wonder he wears his masks all the time.

His eyes slowly open and I realise he doesn't have his contacts in, of course he doesn't dummy, he was asleep.
He can clearly tell he doesn't have his mask on.

"Where's my mask Sal?
"Um right here..."
"Altough I don't appreciate you taking it with out permission I'm not going to get mad, I'm not gonna wear it around you just so you can't steal it again."
"Hehehe, ok"

A few seconds of silence go by.

"So are we like a thing now Dom?"
"Uh Yeah, I guess we are"

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