Chapter twelve

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Letting John loose in Target was simultaneously the best and worst thing they have ever done. Years of bottled up childishness went off like a firecracker as soon as they entered the toy isle.

He had ran down the isle as fast as his feet would take him and stopped marveling at the action figures.

"Alexander are you not going to join him?"Hercules asked rubbing the man's back gently. Alex shook his.

"I'm not feeling small right now and besides I kinda just wanna watch him. I've never seen John so...happy, it's nice"he said. Lafayette smiled and wrapped an arm around him.

"I couldn't agree more, I'm willing to bet on the fact that he is no older than five right now"They said and pulled out a dollar bill. The two men smirked and pulled out their wallets.

"My guess is four"Alex said.

"Mines is seven"Hercules said pulling out a twenty.

"Woah okay big bucks mulligan!"Alex said and nudged his partners shoulder. Hercules chuckled and slid his wallet back in his pocket.

"Whatever Alex-here he comes"He said a grin gracing his face. John ran back down the isle holding a bright red toy wooden toy car.

"I want!"He said bouncing in place and pointing to the shopping cart. They all collectively melted.

"You can get whatever you want mon tout petit"Lafayette said softly almost tearing up under the gaze of John's innocent eyes.

"I can get whatever I want?"he whispered in awe. They nodded John seemed to ponder for a few seconds before he placed the toy car in the cart and wrapped his arms around Lafayette.

"That's all I want, I love you"He said burying his face in their chest. The men watched in as Lafayette crumbled to their knees wrapping their arms around him tightly kissing his head.

"I love you so much my little one, I'm never letting you go"They said letting the tears stream down their face. Once they pulled away John looked up at them and frowned.

"Why you cryin Laffy?"John asked quietly and reached up wiping Lafayette's tears.

"Happy tears mon amour, only happy tears"They choked out.

Alexander and Hercules smiled wiping their own tears soon starting to chuckle a the obscurity of the situation. Three grown adults bawling there eyes out at a target in the middle of the city at 1:00pm.

In the end Alexander cried the hardest. There was a beauty in watching someone who had been so emotionally damaged and closed off finally start to open up.

This was the start of something so beautiful and it's only just begun.

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