Chapter nine

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Alexander slowly opened his eyes and smiled, big strong arms were wrapped around him. He felt small and safe, god it's been so long since he's felt like this.

"Mmm good morning sleeping beauty, did you rest well?"Hercules asked.

Alex simply buried his face deeper into Herc's chest practically purring as hands soon found there way into his hair.

He felt his boyfriend's chest vibrate with laughter.

"I'm going to take that as a yes, you slept like a baby last night"Hercules said.

Alex quirked up a brow at the choice of words but thought nothing of it.

"So I was going to wait until our couples meeting today-"

"We're having another one of those?"he groaned.

"Yes we are. Anyways before you so rudely interrupted, I was just wondering why you were sucking your thumb last night"Hercules said.


That was the only way to describe Alexander's reaction. He shot up out of bed immediately and stumbled to the door trying to make an escape.

Hercules got up and strode over throwing Alex over his shoulder.

"You're not running away from me this time, I just want an explanation. Does it make you feel safe?"he asked.

Alex nodded slowly and squirmed in the man's arms.

"I'm gonna pinch your butt"he threatened. He soon felt a sharp sting and yelped.

"What was that for!?"he said.

"Seems like I got you first"Hercules said casually. Alexander glared at his back.

"Tell me more Alexander, why does it make you feel safe?"He asked and took a seat on the bed. Alex grunted as he was manhandled into a seated position on Herc's lap. His arms were wrapped around him not tight enough that it hurt but tight enough that he knew he wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Man I don't know! It just does!"he exclaimed.

"Lower your voice."Hercules reprimanded gently. Alex blushed and mumbled an apology.

"There's got to be a reason, does it make you feel small? Protected?"Hercules inquired.

Alex nodded again and started to squirm again.

"You're free to go, send John in please"he said and opened his arms. Alex hopped off of his lap and scurried out of the room into the kitchen.

"John!"he said.

The amber eyed man was dancing around the kitchen wearing the frilliest apron they owned.

"Oh good morning baby!"he exclaimed and danced over kissing Alex on the cheek.

"Why don't you wipe that look of your face and stay a while? Bachata with me? I'll play Romeo Santos"He said and wiggled his eyebrows.

Alex furrowed his own and looked around.

"You're wearing an apron, offering to dance to Latin music with me and you're cooking arroz con habichuelas? Are you okay?"he asked.

"I'm better than okay, early morning revelations with Lafayette are the best!"John exclaimed.

"You're freaking me out babe"Alex said. Nothing was normal today, did he wake up on mars?

John rolled his eyes and took out his phone pressing play. He grabbed Alexander's hands and pulled him close dancing side to side guiding his husband's clumsy feet.

"Come on babe, I know you still got some rhythm in you. Just imagine we're back in Harlem, dancin on the fire escape"he said  in his ear.

Alex closed his eyes and smiled at the memory, it all came flooding back to him like remembering how to ride a bike. He took a deep breath and chuckled as they danced around the kitchen. His eyes zoned in on a bright purple bottle and he couldn't help but laugh.

"I knew something smelled familiar, is that fabuloso?"he asked.

John smiled and twirled him around.

"It's the only correct way to mop the floor"he said.

"Don't tell me I'll be wakin up next Sunday morning to you playing Ritchie Valens"Alex joked.

"No promises babe"he said.

They danced for what felt like forever before the reggaeton started playing, they shared a look and quickly shut it off. They both knew they couldn't control themselves when the reggaeton started playing.

"Feeling any better?"John asked wiping the sweat off his forehead. Alex nodded and doubled over placing his hands on his knees taking a deep breath.

"I don't even remember why I came in here"he answered honestly.

"But what I really wanna say is I missed this side of you John. This is the John who swept me off my feet damn near ten years ago, the John that I married"He said.

John smiled.

"I could say the same for you Alexander, I married you for a reason. Mr. Alexander Hamilton-Laurens"he said and kissed his forehead.

"Now ir a tomar una ducha, I need to finish cooking"John said.

"Oh I love it when you talk dirty to me in Spanish"Alexander said.

"Oh is that right?"John said and placed his lips right next to Alex's lips.

"hueles a mierda"He whispered rolling his R's extra long.

Alex gasped and slapped his shoulder.

"Rude ass!"he exclaimed.

"Guilty as charged, but I'm serious you smell like shit go take a shower"he said.

Alex rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

"What is taking them so long?"Hercules muttered.

Alexander walked back into the bedroom and grabbed his towel.

Hercules looked at him incredulously.

"Didn't I tell you to send John in?"he asked.

Alexander groaned and slapped a hand against his forehead.


arroz con habichuelas-rice with beans
ir a tomar una ducha-take a shower
hueles a mierda-You smell like shit

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