Gandalf's Warning

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In Dale, the people were preparing to go to war. The blacksmiths were forging weapons as others collected supplies and attended to various things. A horse sped up the winding path that led up to the top of the city, making people jump out of the way. The horse carried a belligerent looking Gandalf. He dismounted when he reached the top and looked around. The elves in full battle amour were making their way to the castle. Men were sparring and training with an array of different weapons.

"No, no, no!" Alfrid called as he walked out of one of the buildings. "Oi! You! Pointy hat! Yes you. We don't want no tramps, beggars nor vagabonds round here. We got enough trouble without the likes of you." Alfrid walked to the bottom of the steps to face Gandalf. "Off you go. On your horse."

"Who's in charge here?" Gandalf asked as he took a step towards Alfrid.

Bard was stood nearby and walked over. "Who's asking?"

Bard took Gandalf to large yellow tent that Thranduil had set up.

Gandalf addressed them both. "You must put aside your petty grievances with the dwarves. War is coming! The cess pits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. You are all in mortal danger."

"What are you talking about?" Bard asked with a confused expression.

Thranduil stood. "I can see you know nothing of wizards." He started to pour himself a drink. "They are like winter thunder on a wild wind rolling in from a distance and breaking hard in a line. Sometimes the storm is just a storm."

"Not this time. Armies of orcs are on the move. These are fighters; they have been bred for war." Gandalf said sternly. "Our enemy has gathered his full strength."

"Why show his hand now?" Thranduil asked.

"Because we forced him. We forced him when the company of Thorin Oakenshield set out to reclaim their homeland." Gandalf said. "The dwarves were never meant to reach Erabor. Azog the Defiler was sent to kill them. His master seeks control of the mountain." Gandalf motioned for them to follow as he walked outside where they had a clear view of the gate into the mountain. "Not just for the treasure within but for where it lies. It's strategic position. This is the gateway to reclaiming the lands of Angmar in the north. If that fell kingdom should rise again, Rivendell, Lorian, the Shire, even Gondor itself will fall."

"These orc armies you speak of Mithrandir, where are they?" Thranduil asked.

Gandalf had no answer for he did not know.

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