Lord Elrond Arrives

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The healers had done all they could and had left the tent. Legolas sat by her bedside with Amara's right hand firmly grasped between both of his. His fingers kept tracing her silver ring as he looked at his own. The tent was dimly lit but he could see how pale she was from the blood loss. There wasn't much inside the tent other than the bed she was lying on and the chair he was sat in. There was a set of draws in one corner, a basket of linen and the torches. Her bag and clothes were draped across the other chair in the room.

Outside, Bilbo and Gandalf sat together in silence; Bard and Thranduil talked in hushed whispers; and the remainder of Thorin's company sat huddled together. They had brought Thorin, Fili and Kili down from Ravenhill. Tauriel was sat off to one side by herself; silent tears still ran down her cheeks. The people of Dale were all scattered throughout the ancient city as the horns began to sound in honour of the dead. The horns however, did not cover the sound of an approaching horse.

Gandalf was the first to stand as Lord Elrond rode into the square and dismounted but Thranduil was the first to approach him. "Lord Elrond."

"King Thranduil." Elrond greeted but was met with everyone's grim expressions.

"Amara is badly wounded." Thranduil informed him.

"Where is she?" Elrond's face dropped.

Thranduil led the way towards the tent and gestured for one of the healers to follow them. As they entered, Legolas stood from his chair. Elrond approached Amara and gently peeled away her bandages before turning and giving a list of herbs to the other healer, who took off immediately. Elrond began to prepare what he would need before looking at Legolas.

"I am afraid I must ask you to wait outside." Elrond told him.

Legolas nodded and pressed a kiss to Amara's forehead before leaving the tent. He shared a worried look with Gandalf before sitting down next to the old wizard before the healer returned and disappeared into the tent.

Gandalf rested a hand on Legolas's shoulder. "She is stronger than anyone I have ever met. Lord Elrond will heal her."

Legolas nodded and looked at the wizard gratefully.

It felt to Legolas that they waited days for Elrond to walk out of the tent, but in reality, it was only a few hours. Dusk was drawing close as he stepped out of the tent. Legolas shot to his feet and stood in front of Elrond. The others in the square, Gandalf, Bilbo, Thranduil and the dwarves, were quick to do the same.

"She will live." Elrond told them and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"What is it?" Legolas asked when Elrond's face remained grave.

"The wound was severe... She... She will never bear a child." Elrond did not move his gaze from Legolas as the blond elf's eyes widened.

Legolas did not speak, merely pushed past Elrond and disappeared into the tent.

Elrond met Thranduil's ice blue eyes. Elves only truly love once in their lifetime; once they have felt that love they will never love another. Legolas would never leave Amara. Thranduil's line had come to its end.

When he was very small, Legolas' mother had told him never to grieve over something he never had. But as he sat by Amara's side, he could not help it. Tears welled in his eyes as he kissed the back of her hand.

Balin walked over to Bilbo with an ashen look on his face. "We must head back to the mountain. There are arrangements to be made." He glanced to the tent where Thorin, Fili and Kili resided. "Give her our best when she wakes." Bilbo merely nodded as the dwarves began to trek back to the mountain.

"There is something else you must both know." Thranduil addressed Gandalf and Elrond. "The orcs were given the order to capture Amara, not to kill her."

"Then our enemy has learned that she bares the gift of foresight." Elrond glanced back to where his daughter was laid.

"She would be the perfect way to win a war before it has even begun." Gandalf warned. "She must be kept safe."

"That is easier said than done. She will not stay in one place. I admit she takes after me in that respect." Elrond shared.

"Then she must never travel alone." Gandalf said.

"I no longer think that will be a problem." Thranduil said. "I think their betrothal has lasted long enough."

Elrond nodded. "When she is healed it will be time for the wedding, they have put it off long enough."

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