Chapter Six

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Jelani feels a weight on her back and she opens one eye to see sapphire eyes looking at her, blinking as she groans.

"Bunmi...please...five more minutes."

She chirps before nuzzling her cheek as she curls up next to her on the pillow. Jelani looks at her, taking her appearance in. Bunmi's body is azure blue, her underside artic blue. Her skin is crystal-like in appearance. There are small fan like growths running down her neck and spine. Her ears are angular and long--she'll grow into them Jelani assumes--while her legs are chunky. Her talons are crystal in appearance, the same colour as her eyes. Her wings are angel-like, small scythe-like talons at the end, also crystal and sapphire coloured. The wings are almost see through and the sun shining through them make them sparkle. Her tail is flat, like a fan, and is currently lazily flickering.

"I can't sleep now."

Bunmi raises her head as she watches Jelani climb out of bed and enter her bathroom. She jumps down from the bed and walks to the bathroom door, pawing at it. Jelani opens the door and lets her in, returning to brushing her teeth. Bunmi sits on the edge of the tub, peering into the blue coloured water.

"It's a bath bomb."

Bunmi looks up at her as Jelani strips her clothes off and slides into the warm water. Bunmi leans forward, sniffing the water.

"If you fall in you better not scratch me."

Bunmi gives an angry sounding chirp that Jelani assumes is either "I will not scratch you" or "I will not fall in." She feels like its the latter. Jelani closes her eyes as she slides deeper into the water, relaxing as she lets the tension of the last two weeks melt away. She had done mini jobs--small purchases or initial client meetings--and was still coping with her father's death. She hears a splash and opens her eyes to see Bunmi sitting in the water, an unimpressed look on her face. Jelani chuckles and scratches under her jaw, making her purr softly.

"Well, I see you like water. Are you a water based dragon? Is that even a thing?"

Bunmi nods.

"Tap my leg once for yes and twice for no okay?"

Bunmi taps her leg once in understanding.

"Are you a water-based dragon?"

One tap.

"Does being around heat hurt you?"

Two taps.

"Extreme heat? Like Fire?"

One tap.

"But a hot day won't hurt you."

One tap.

Jelani nods, taking a moment to think as Bunmi begins to swim around in the tub.

"Bunmi...last question and I'll let you do you: how do I use your powers?"

Bunmi's sapphire eyes light up and Jelani realises this is going to take more than a one or two tap answer.
Erik is standing in Starbucks, waiting to order when he feels a hand on his arm. He turns, hitting the person with a nasty glare. It's Ross. Everett Ross.

"Agent Ross."

"Everett is fine."

"We ain't friends."

Ross turns red before giving a tight smile.
"I know but you aren't at work and neither am I and I just--"

"Next on line!"

Erik moves forward and orders, getting a black iced coffee for himself and Jelani's favourite drink since he knows she has been going through it. He swipes his card before stepping to the side. Ross orders before moving over to Erik.

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