Chapter Eighteen

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The office is quiet as they wait for T'Challa to arrive. It is the Avengers, ex-avengers, Shuri, Erik, and Okoye just sitting there.

"What is taking them so long?"Natasha asks. "We have to talk about these vampires."

"Our apologies," T'Challa says as he and Jelani walk in. "We took longer with breakfast than we expected."

She sits down next to Erik and thanks the servant who puts a mug of coffee before her. Jelani is in a black jumpsuit with black sneakers.

"Are we all good?" Fury asks, appearing in the screen.

"Yes," T'Challa says. "We are ready to begin discussing how to handle do you say it Jelani?"


"Strigoi. Why can't these things ever have normal names?"

"Your name is T'Challa."

T'Challa stares at Jelani which makes Erik, Shuri, Okoye, and Sam smile as he pinches her cheek as she smiles at him.

"My name is normal by Wakandan standards."

"I know love. I am playing with you."

"How do we handle these bloodsuckers?"Fury asks as Jelani looks at them.

"Fire, decapitation, and staking them through the heart," Jelani says. "We would need a way to lure them out and also discover where their king or Queen is."

"And then what?"

"We kill the leader," Jelani says.

"And how would we do that?" Steve asks making everyone look at him as if he is an idiot.

"Does this man not listen to anyone?"Jelani asks making them chuckles.

Steve glares at her and goes to open his mouth but Bucky covers it with his one good hand. Sam bursts out laughing at that and has to excuse himself.

"We deal with the leader in the same way we would deal with a lower one. Granted he or she will be harder to beat due to them being the leader but I'm sure we'll find a way."

They nod as Jelani looks at her phone. It's Paul.

"Paul what's--"


She blinks in shock as she hears Paul scream before it falls silent. Suddenly a deep voice is on the other end.

"Dragon Queen."

"Who is this?"

"My name is Alucard. You killed some of my people."

"Should've left my dragons alone. Where is Paul?"

"Being feasted on by some of my children."

She stands, making them all look at her.

"I will kill you."

"I look forward to seeing you try."

The phone goes dead and Jelani looks at Erik.

"We have to go."


"The headquarters came under attack. Paul...Paul may be dead."

The room falls quiet as the two leave.

"We'll meet her at her headquarters," Tony says as they nod.


Jelani enters the warehouse and swallows at the sight. Her men and women are laying on the floor, bodies pale and lifeless. She walks slowly, closing their eyes as Erik follows close behind her. She walks up to her office and opens the door to see Paul seated at her desk, eyes wide and lifeless, skin white as snow and staring at Marcus who sits across from him in the same manner.

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