'We have plenty of time' and before she could complete her sentence he grabbed her, spinning her like a ballerina.
'But look at you, big woman now. You even relaxed your hair.'. He noticed how well developed and sexy she looked.
She snapped away her hand playfully, 'it's been over 15 years and please, my hair relax from the first day i move to Kingston'.
'Hhhheeem', olivia cleared her throat to announce her presence.
'oh', Jessica said, 'David this is Olivia', they shook hands.
'well hello there handsome', Olivia stared at the mystery man. David smiled but was not annoyed.
'and this is Marcia. These are my girl's', Jessica continued.
Marcia shook his hands noticing how Jessica's face lit up.
'Ladies this is David, my high school', her voice trail off not wanting to say to use that phase.
'Nice to meet you both', David interrupted noticing her hesitation.
'We neva meet any of your high school friends before Jess', Olivia blurted.
'Well, now you just did'. She replied feeling uneasy now.
'Ok, we will meet you both inside', Marcia said forcing Olivia to move.
She grabbed olivia's hand forcefully and lead her to the hall's entrance, leaving the couple to chat.
When they were at the doors Olivia curse, getting upset, 'a wah do you?', She hiss her teeth.
Marcia rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed, 'why you always the last one to catch on? You nu realize something?'.
'wah? wey me do?' Olivia expressing bewilderment on her face.
'look', Marcia add pointing to the couple. 'look at Jessica and tell me, if you've ever seen that smile? you ever seen her react that way with anybody before muchless a man?'.
Olivia glanced at the couple, scrutinizing them.'Noooooo. She have tings to discuss wid us man. She got to spill the beans'.
'Exactly', Marcia confirmed. 'Let's go' and they disappeared inside.
'I am so happy to see you', David confessed. He couldn't stop himself and he didn't bother fighting it. He was staring into Jessica's eyes.'I am too', she was glad they were alone.
'I really missed you'. All these years and no contact. No social media, nothing, and now here you are'. Jessica noticed he wasn't smiling anymore and her heart seem to skip a beat. She felt a tingle down her spine.
'I missed you too. alot. and I truly am glad you are here', she confessed.
He took her hands in his and they went to the main hall together.
The hall was buzzing with people. Many were in groups, others sat on there luggages, while a chatted on their phone. As the couple entered, they saw Milton waving to get their attention and they quickly walked over.Marcia first spoke, 'Jess this is Milton'.
'Nice to meet you'. They shook hands and she caught Marcia's wink. She could see why Marcia liked him. He was medium build with a teddy bear look and he was soft on the eyes. His smile was warm.
'The twins', she continued,
'Taj and Raj Jones'.'Nice meeting you',they said in unison then laughed at the spontaneous reply.
Jessica notice how rugged they looked and almost as tall as David and although it was her first time seeing them they seem ok.
'and number 3 is over there', she pointed at Olivia laughing with the choir director Chuck. What is it with those two Jessica thought. She made a mental note to find out soon.
'Good afternoon and welcome to Mercy Temple 50th Annual Singles Retreat'. Pastor Miller spoke in the mic and there was an instant hush in the room. She was the Bishop's wife and head coordinator of the retreat and Jessica's mentor.
She took over caring for her when Mama died and Jessica grew to love and appreciate the slender woman who sport a short sliver afro that was her signature style. She was elegant and seem to float when she moved.
'I trust the journey was smooth and enjoyable and since we are right on schedule, I will announce your groups and allow you to get settled in and acquainted before dinner. Each group should be a mixture of male and female. You will all bunk together, separate rooms of course, you will all eat together, that means knowing your bundle, as all activities and studies will be done according to your group. We will all share, talk, counsell, worship and draw closer to God as a group'.
She place her glasses on and continued, 'The group will be according to age and are as follows.
18 - 22 should be groups of 7
23 - 27 groups of 6
28 - 33 groups 7
35 - 39 group of 5
40 and over groups of 4
'select wisely', she teased, 'you never know who your future spouse is. So see you all at 7pm. You are dismissed'.
'Dismissed', Olivia mimicked. No one notice when she rejoin the group. 'Well, we are a group so let's go'.
Hmmm, so who made you caption of this ship miss?'. Marcia akimbo, staring at Olivia.Jessica snickered.
'Well, as number 1 it goes without say?' Olivia was confident, adjusting her bag to take out her phone.
'wah? you cant be number 1?', Jessica added, surprised at her ignorance.
'Exactly', Marcia interrupted, 'and a you last join the group?'.
'ohhh k then, men', Milton said, 'let's assist the ladies with their luggages while they sort out that crisis'.
The twins snickered and David whistled looking everywhere but at the women.
'It's going to be a looonnng 2 wks', Milton said as he walked away.
'and an eventful one too', David add, following closely after Milton.

Her Past
General FictionWhen she and her mum relocated to Kingston, she was glad not having to face her classmates after a night of passion with the school's notorious 'virgin popper' after it went viral. A new beginning was on the horizon and it must be God's way of a new...