Episode 3: Remembering The Basics- Immunity Challenge

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned back on him, "Before the break, the campers learned that they'd have to use their brains for this challenge. Luckily, they actually have them. Let's get this challenge started!"


With that, the cameras turned their focus to the two teams, each standing near their respective tables. Both teams had something to prove: the Observant Owls wanted to bounce back from their loss last episode, while the Multiple Mole-Rats wanted to further show their dominance as a team. With the teams finally equal in numbers, this challenge was crucial in deciding who would have the extra member going forward.

"Alright, let's start round one!" Chris declared as the first representatives from each team walked towards the levers, "We have Spencer from the Observant Owls going against Callie from the Multiple Mole-Rats."

"I volunteered to go first so I can show my team that I'm a valuable camper. Hopefully I don't completely botch it."- Spencer

"I'm not a fan of memory games. I volunteered so when I mess up, my team has time to recover."- Callie

"For this round, there will be six items to memorize," Chris declared, "Ready, set, go!"

As the countdown was completed, Chef Hatchet raised the curtains, revealing six items in a row. They were a brown coconut, a white marshmallow, a golden Chris statue, another white marshmallow, a black marshmallow, and an orange Chris head. As much as the two competitors wanted to comment on the nostalgic items, they had no time to do so. After roughly five seconds of staring at the items, Spencer pulled the lever, which dropped the curtain and signaled him and Callie to run back to their tables.

"Spencer pulls the lever and they're both off to their tables," Chris narrated as Spencer and Callie took off to their tables.

Immediately upon reaching their tables, both campers began assembling items in a row. Spencer felt confident that he knew the order of the items, and hoped that he could replicate the order quickly. Callie was less confident about her chances, having only fully processed three of the six items. After about fifteen seconds of placing, Spencer stepped back from his table and thrust his hands in the air, signaling Chris to walk over and inspect his order.

"Let's see..." Chris muttered as he walked over to the table and examined the items, "Spencer is correct! First point to the Owls!"

"Yeah!" Spencer cheered as he ran full force into the arms of his teammates.

"Nice job, Spencer!" Annie congratulated.

"Thanks," Spencer thanked with a big smile on his face.

"This is exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you, gods for giving me the power to memorize weird objects!"- Spencer

"Okay, he did well. Maybe he could actually be an asset to us."- Dallas

"Alright, let's start round two!" Chris announced as the second representatives from each team walked towards the levers, "We have Annie from the Observant Owls going against Alina from the Multiple Mole-Rats."

"Being a singer, I have to memorize pages and pages of lyrics and sheet music, so I don't think it'll be too difficult."- Annie

"Sure, we may be down a point, but it's early on in the game. If I win the round, good for us. If I lose the round, oh well." *shrugs*- Alina

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