Episode 10: Spilling The Beans- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned on him at the production camp, "Before the break, Callie pulled off an upset as she ate her way to an individual immunity win. With the elimination ceremony only a few hours away, let's take a look at what everyone has planned."


With the completion of the challenge, the majority alliance was situated in the living room of the mini-mansion, ready to begin their discussion for the upcoming elimination ceremony. However, with the underlying tension among some of the members of the alliance, there were some relationships to mend and air to clear.

"Alright guys, we still have a majority, so we can keep the votes away from us," Veronica reminded, "But before we begin that, there's some stuff that we need to clear up."

"It's been a part of my strategy to keep bigger targets in the game so I'm not the biggest threat. I need to make sure that Rhythm & Dallas can trust Daniel for just one more episode. That way, I can get my plan across."- Veronica

"Last night, Tory claimed that Rhythm & Dallas were going to vote for Daniel," Veronica reminded, "We need to clear the air if this alliance is going to work."

"If you guys don't mind, I'd like Daniel, Rhythm, and I to have a chance to talk alone," Dallas requested.

"Uh, what about the team meeting?" Kavan noted.

"You can just send someone to tell us the plan; if we're voting together, we just need to figure out how we're splitting the votes," Daniel pointed out as he stood up from his seat, "I'm ready to talk now, if you want."

"Let's do it," Rhythm agreed as her and Dallas stood up, "Let's head to the music room."

"We'll tell you in a bit!" Callie assured as the three conflicting alliance members left towards the music room.

"Alright guys, now that the three of them are gone, we need to discuss the real plan," Veronica declared, "Kavan, did you tell Spencer & Zeyad about the plan?"

"Yeah," Kavan confirmed, "They seemed like they were on board."

"What plan?" Alina asked, confused.

"Yeah, what plan?" Karlie added.

"Oh yeah; we have a new plan," Veronica revealed, remembering that Alina & Karlie were out of the loop, "We; and when I say we, I mean Kavan, Callie and I. We think that its best to split up Rhythm & Dallas."

"Oh," Karlie remarked, a bit shocked, "Uh, yeah! That's fine."

"I'm surprised that the plan to blindside Rhythm & Dallas was already in motion. I'm just glad that I'm not the one that had to bring it up; keeps less of a target on my back."- Karlie

"Callie, you're alright with this?" Alina asked, wanting assurance.

"Yeah, it's what's best for all of us," Callie assured.

"It's good to know that Callie is getting more involved in strategizing, I just hope that she's making these moves because she wants to, and not because the others want her to."- Alina

"If Dallas and Rhythm want to get rid of Daniel right now, I need to vote one of them out just to hold them back a bit longer."- Callie

"Then I guess I'm on board," Alina agreed, "And Spencer & Zeyad are voting with us?"

"Correct," Veronica confirmed as she paced around the L-shaped couch, "That means we have eight votes to split. We just need to figure out who we want to target."

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