Episode 13: No Piece of Cake- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned on him in the cake-ridden camp area, "Before the break, Veronica slammed and spelled her way to her first individual immunity challenge win of the season. With the elimination ceremony coming soon, let's take a look at what each camper has planned for tonight."


The cameras first turned their attention to the campfire area, where Callie & Zeyad were having a talk about the upcoming elimination ceremony. If there was one person in a spot worse than Callie and/or Alina, it was Zeyad; he had no set ally, he wasn't entirely in the position of power, and he wasn't the target for the day. He didn't know where he was, but he did know that if he wanted to get any sort of power, he had to talk to others.

"What exactly are you trying to tell me?" Zeyad asked.

"I'm saying that you and I can still work well together because we've done it before," Callie explained, "We were able to blindside Ariton together."

"Daniel told me that I need to get Karlie on my side to make it to the next episode. But if Alina, Karlie and I end up making it to the next episode, there'll be six people left, so we need one more person for a majority. I know that any alliance with Dallas is impossible, so that leaves Zeyad."- Callie

"I know that there's probably a plan to split up Alina and I, right?" Callie asked.

"Yeah, that's probably the plan," Zeyad admitted.

"One thing that I can count on from Callie is for her to be honest. I know that she's not trying to trick me; she really wants to work with me. I feel like I can trust her to get me to the final five, but to the final two? No way."- Zeyad

"I think the plan was to split the votes between you and Alina," Zeyad specified.

"Well, I don't want that to happen," Callie noted, "What I want is to turn the vote on Dallas."

"Is it because of the argument last night?" Zeyad asked, "Girl, it's just a game-"

"Sure, it's a game, but the way that Dallas treated the situation was so rude that I just don't think she deserves to be in the game anymore," Callie explained, "You have to admit it; she's really annoying."

"Fine, I'll give you that," Zeyad conceded, "But how can we take her out with only three votes?"

"Karlie will vote with us," Callie assured, "That gives us a four-person majority for this vote and the next votes."

"Well, at least you've thought this through," Zeyad pointed out, "That's good..."

"C'mon Zeyad, we need you to help us," Callie insisted as she tapped Zeyad on the shoulder, "You know that I'm on the bottom, and you know how it feels to be on the bottom. Let's help each other climb out."

"Hey!" Karlie called out as she ran towards the duo, "Oh, am I interrupting?"

"Actually, we need to talk to you," Callie insisted, "Take a seat."

"Uh...alright?" Karlie agreed as she took a seat on a stump.

"I'll just say it: I want Dallas out," Callie admitted, "I want us three and Alina to team up and vote for Dallas. Then, we'll also have the votes to split up Veronica & Kavan next episode."

"So I go to try and talk to Zeyad, and suddenly Callie has a new plan to vote for Dallas. I gotta give her props; she's really trying to stay. I'm definitely not against siding with her, but I'm not 100% set on doing that."- Karlie

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