Episode 6: Going To The Dark Side- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris greeted as the cameras focused on him at the top of the pyramid, "Before the break, the Multiple Mole-Rats ran fast and managed to win another immunity challenge. And after having an abysmal performance in the last challenge, what do the Observant Owls have in mind for the next elimination ceremony?"


The position that the members of the Observant Owls were in was a very odd one. They had just lost their fourth challenge of the season, yet both alliances in the team didn't seem to mind, and they happened to have the same goal. Both alliances had the goal of eliminating a certain camper so they could take full control of the team, yet both alliances were also set back by the temporary unavailability of Daniel. Veronica's alliance felt the set back completely; they needed the fourth vote to have a shot at getting rid of Annie, forcing them to think of a new plan.

"Well, what are we gonna do guys?" Veronica asked as she continued pacing, "What are we gonna do?"

"This might be the worse case scenario for me. I'm down an ally and we lost the challenge. Assuming that Karlie is going to stay loyal to Kavan & I, we have three votes against the other team's three votes. And I'm not interested in a tiebreaker."- Veronica

"Well, we all have to vote for the same person," Kavan reminded, "It's our only hope."

"But if it's 3-3, we have to go to a tiebreaker," Veronica noted.

"A marshmallow tiebreaker," Kavan added, "Which isn't good."

"Roni's a bit scared, and honestly, I am as well. But we can't just lay back and let fear control us. I know that we're gonna be fine."- Kavan

"It doesn't have to go to a tiebreaker," Karlie claimed, getting the couple's attention, "If I can convince them to split the votes 2-2, then we can use our three votes to get rid of Annie."

"What do you mean 2-2?" Veronica asked, confused, "They have three votes, just like us."

"They still think that I'm with them in an alliance of four," Karlie reminded, referring to Annie, Spencer, & Damien, "I'll convince them to split it between you two, then I'll flip and vote with you guys to take her out. It's simple."

"Coming here, I wanted to be the person in the middle; I could have multiple options, side with the people who I feel will benefit my game, and even if I make enemies, they'll have no option but to trust me in order for them to have any shot of winning."- Karlie

"Right! That's awesome!" Kavan exclaimed, now happy, "Y'know, I'm really glad that you're on this team."

"I'm glad that I am as well," Karlie agreed as she got up from her seat, "Well, I'm gonna go and talk to them. Wish me luck!"

"Not too much luck; we need some too," Veronica remarked as Karlie left the room, "Man....this sucks..."

"Why does it suck?" Kavan asked, confused, "We're staying! Karlie is gonna convince them to split the vote!"

"What if Karlie is playing us?" Veronica asked, "What if she's actually loyal to them and not us?"

"Even I'm paranoid at this point; I know that I'm the biggest threat on this team and that people would be trying to take me out eventually. It wouldn't surprise me if Karlie just flipped back, split the votes between Kavan and I, and then sent me packing."- Veronica

"I don't know how she plays; she could be loyal, she could be a backstabber for all I know," Veronica admitted, "I wish Daniel was here; at least I know where his head is at."

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