Episode 15: How Bad Do You Want It?- Downtime

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Double Trouble!" Chris welcomed as the cameras panned on him in the main camp area, "Before the break, Callie wanted immunity badly enough that she willingly had her head shaved to win it. With the campers desperately wanting to stay in the game, they're bound to come up with new plans and strategies for the future. Let's take a look at what they have planned..."


The cameras first turned their attention to the communal washrooms, where Veronica, Dallas, and Karlie gathered to talk about the upcoming elimination ceremony. While Karlie was merely there for a conversation, Veronica & Dallas were showering, desperate to scrub out the beet juice from their skin. Nonetheless, that didn't stop them from talking.

"Look, I get that you guys are upset at me for not winning," Dallas assured as she showered behind a curtain, "But I wasn't going to shave my head."

"I didn't expect you to do it," Veronica admitted, showering in a different stall, "It's a tough thing to ask of a woman."

"I'm actually glad that I didn't agree to bench myself for the next immunity challenge, because I wouldn't have shaved my head. I'm not entirely against it, but I wasn't guaranteed to win immunity, so I wasn't willing to take that chance."- Veronica

"I still can't believe that Callie did it," Veronica admitted, "She's crazy."

"We underestimated her," Dallas noted, "I hate to admit it, but she's stronger than she lets on."

"For as much as I really want Callie out of here, I gotta give her credit: she's dedicated to winning this game. But that confirms that she's a really big threat. But now that she has immunity, we have to turn our attention to Alina."- Dallas

"At this point, we all know what we need to do," Dallas claimed, "It's clear."

"Crystal clear," Karlie agreed as she leaned against one of the walls, "Alina has got to go."

"Callie winning immunity completely ruins my plan; if she didn't win, I would've voted her out tonight, made a final three deal with Alina & Zeyad, voted out Veronica & Dallas next, and then it's a guaranteed run to the final two. Now I have to eliminate Alina, and hope that Callie is willing to work with me tomorrow."- Karlie

"Well, we have the votes right?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah, it's us three and Zeyad," Karlie reminded, "That's the majority."

"There you are!" Zeyad exclaimed, pointing at Karlie, "We need to talk-"

"Is that Zeyad?" Dallas asked, still behind the curtain, "Get out of here!"

"Oh, sorry!" Zeyad apologized, "I didn't know-"

"I SAID GET OUT!" Dallas demanded as she blindly tossed a shampoo bottle over her shower curtain, nearly hitting Zeyad in the head.

"Dude, just go," Veronica requested as she stuck her head out from behind the curtain, "Save face."

"Fine..." Zeyad conceded as he left the communal washroom.

"Sheesh, she could've at least let me apologize. It's not like I'm interested in what's behind those curtains." *rolls eyes*- Zeyad

"Can you toss the shampoo back over, please?" Dallas requested.

"Sure," Karlie agreed as she walked over, grabbed the shampoo bottle, and tossed it over Dallas' shower curtain, "Now, back to the topic: we have the votes."

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